the demystifying of mystification

Part 1, Outset on the inner road

Chapter 1: Preface and Introduction - Man and his thoughts, Man and his heart

Part 2.1, Religion, Believing man, Hinduism

Chapter 1: Heirs to the Vedas, the knowledge and the Aryan legacy, a cultural and historical introduction: The Tellurian's overture - The petals of the Vaidika Dharma - A reign of rights and rules - Let go and love

Chapter 2: Heirs to the Vedas, the knowledge and the Aryan legacy, Essays and assays concerning the Bhagavad Gita: The Bhagavad Gita - Arjuna's despair - Out of Samsara - Non-attachment - Karma and detached acting - The discipline of action - Revaluation of values - The split - The discipline of knowledge - Dedication or submission - The not of action - The spirit connected with Me - The enigmatic manifest Brahman - The overwhelming awing vision - A scary terrifying hallucination - The discipline of the visible - The organization of the cosmos - The passing of Arjuna

Chapter 3: Heirs to the Vedas, the knowledge and the Aryan legacy, Concluding "The Bhagavad Gita": The final factors - Epilogue, for the love for Krishna

Chapter 4: Heirs to the Vedas, the knowledge and the Aryan legacy: Heirs to the Vedas in short - Concise about "The Bhagavad Gita"

Chapter 5, Annex: Heirs to the Vedas, the knowledge and the Aryan legacy, Appendices: Ādityas, Vasus and Maruts - Brahmanirvana - Brahma - Detached action - Dharma - Jñāna - Karma - Krishna - Manu - Manu, Yemo and Trito - Moksa - The Luciwher paradigm - Saṃsāra

Part 2.2, Religion, Believing man, Buddhism

Chapter 1: The Prince and the pain of being, The insights into Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha: The suffering of a thirty something - Religion, philosophy and the road between - The four stages of enlightenment - The freeze-dried soul - The middle and the midpoint

Part 2.3, Religion, Believing man, Judaism, Christianity and Islam

Chapter 1: Sons of Shem, Noah's Semitic Legacy, a cultural and historical introduction: Deep History - The mother of all religions - The water covers the world - Atrahasis and Gilgamish - Even more water - The deluge, the facts - Raven's-eye view, the fiction - the fertility of the crescent

Chapter 2: Sons of Shem, Noah's Semitic Legacy, Kindred Spirits, the principles explained: Departure, the point of - The Holy Sources - The Tenach - The Bible - The Qur'an - Divergence - That which is kept quiet

Chapter 3: Sons of Shem, Noah's Semitic Legacy, The Last will be the First: Eschatology - Older than old - Cloud and clout - All is well that ends well - Overview and insight 1

Chapter 4: Sons of Shem, Noah's Semitic Legacy, The evolution of a creation: The introduction of light - The God of the Book - The conceivable God - Connections and consequences - Overview and insight 2

Chapter 5: Sons of Shem, Noah's Semitic Legacy, The prophets for the new Era: The questions one should ask - From the desert a father came - How many roads lead to the one? - The holy man by the lake - The bridge builder - Visions of the refugee - By fire and sword - Authority or self-determination - What can be seen as one sees

Chapter 6: Sons of Shem, Noah's Semitic Legacy, Conclusions, The learning track and the smile: The delight of tea - The reversed inversion - Compassion with the prophets - Epilogue, the eliminating of the bosses

Chapter 7, Annex: Sons of Shem, Noah's Semitic Legacy, The root of all evil : The mirror image and the counterpart - Thus spoke Zarathustra - Sympathy for Evil - When will they learn? The nonbeing of evil - The extract of millennia, A very brief summary

Part 2.4, Religion, Believing man, The end - Afterword

Chapter 1: The part of the undertaker, or the spectator’s optimistic compassion: The Ancient Spirit - The replenishment - Who was God? - The new religion - Postscript

Part 3, Philosophy, Thinking man

The Antique Philosophers
Socrates - Plato - Aristoteles

Gnosticism, Esotericism and Mysticism
Chapter 1: Gnosticism, the odd man out - An old family member - The Gnostic perception - The Gospel of Thomas - The Gospel of Philip - The Gospel of Truth - The Gospel of Judas - The lost cause - Deus ex anima - The relics of death

Chapter 2: Helena Petrovna von Hahn, Madame Blavatsky, Wandering through the museum of the undivided estate - The Theosophical Society - The wells of wisdom - The Vril-organization - The undivided estate - Concise bibliography - Videos about Madame Blavatsky - Echoes of the past

Chapter 3: George Ivanovich Gurdjieff (1866-1949) -

Chapter 4: Pyotr Demianovich Ouspensky (1878-1947) -

Chapter 5: Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895-1986) -

Enlightenment and Modernity
Chapter 1: Arthur Schopenhauer, The humorous counterpart of the Buddha - A cynical scoundrel - An angostura for anguish - Der Wille zur was? - What the darkness cannot take - Concise bibliography - Magee and Copleston (video)

Chapter 2: Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, the man who murdered God - Tableau of a tragedy - The tragedy of the tableau - The tragedy of the following - Concise bibliography - Human, All too Human (video)

Chapter 3: Jean Paul Sartre , the new voice on the firmament - The urge for freedom - Me, myself and I - The growing spirit - Concise bibliography - Human, All too Human (video)

Several Monographs
Chapter 1: Diluted God, On "The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins - The Romantic Agony revisited - Sad cases of self-mutilation - Jest as argument - My dear God - Urban's bane - Compendious finale

Chapter 2: Crime and punishment, On "The Belief Instinct, The Psychology of Souls, Destiny, and the Meaning of Life", by Jesse Bering - The world according to Bering - History according to Bering

Chapter 3: "We are our Brain, from Womb till Alzheimer", by Dick Swaab

Part 4 - Arrival on the inner road, The stopover

Chapter 1: Completion and Closure - The completion: Authority and angle - The heart of the matter - Closure: The meaning of life - The purpose of the universe - Home

Annex: Does the Universe Have a Purpose? - The tortoise and the purpose


Appendix 1: The short Story - The good and the evil, an illusion of the powers that be. Appendix 2: The Key to the Castle - The light made ​​its appearance into this universe.

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