Video "Branes"

Part of a conversation about the nonexistence of time. Different visions of the cosmos are discussed. As a consequence of string theory the known universe is seen as a membrane, or in short: brane. Text of the conversation (then click in the left margin on "The Time Machine")

Video "The Real Eve"

An excerpt from a documentary on the work of Professor Stephen Oppenheimer. Based on genetic research, he states that man is not migrated from Africa via the Levant to the rest of the world, but through the Bab el Mandeb, the southern route through current Djibouti to the Yemen. Text of the Introduction to Hinduism

Video "Ariërs"

In this excerpt from a documentary about Alexander the Great a description is given of the Aryan tribes that had entered the Indian subcontinent from Eurasia about a thousand years earlier. Illustrative of the text on the Aryan migrations.
Text of the Introduction to Hinduism

Video "Oppenheimer"

"Now I am become Death, the mighty destroyer of worlds, out to destroy. Even without your participation all the warriors standing arrayed in the opposing armies shall cease to exist." A passage from the Bhagavad Gita [11:32] quoted by Robert Oppenheimer when he saw the first nuclear bomb explosion.
Text of the Introduction to Hinduism

Video "Kuruksetra"

At the beginning of the Bhagavad Gita, Arjuna and his charioteer Krishna drive onto the battlefield of Kuruksetra. Arjuna sees the opposing armies. He realizes that among his relatives many deaths will fall. His courage flees him and he no longer knows what to do. He asks his charioteer for advice. Thus begins the plot of the Bhagavad Gita. Text Heirs to the Vedas 2.1: The Bhagavad Gita

Video "Noah's Ark"

Jeremy Bowen made a documentary for the BBC about Noah's Ark, in which he tested the truth of this story from the Bible. He let an engineer determine whether such an ark specified in the Bible could indeed be built. The conclusion was that an ark of the measurements given would break in half immediately in turbulent water. A foretaste for the text. Introductory text of "The Sons of Shem," The mother of all religions

Video "Channelled Scablands"

Professor Brian Cox for his documentary "Wonders of the Solar System" and Professor Alice Roberts for her documentary "Ice Age Giants" both visited the Channelled Scablands, a region in North-western America showing obvious geological signs attesting the end of the last Ice Age. In this book used to illustrate the ancient mega floods were local events and not part of a world wide catastrophe.  A foretaste for the text. Introductory text of "The Sons of Shem," The mother of all religions

Video "Noah's Flood"

William Ryan & Walter Pitman, two earth scientists who wondered whether evidence for a flood could be found. Their evidence for the Black Sea as the location for the Biblical flood is pretty convincing. It is a flood in a series of floods at the end of the last ice age.
Introductory text of "The Sons of Shem," The Deluge - the facts

Video "Origins . . ."

Origins of the Universe. Scientists postulate a multiverse of which our material universe would be a split off. It seems with this theory the cause of the material universe is given - it only seems so. The theories provide only a description of how it happened, not why.
Text for "The Sons of Shem," The evolution of a creation


In the texts are also links to You Tube. See there.

Manas Na'ala, The Key, the books of heart and knowing
or how part of eternity was slowed to the speed of light and all on this side of the divide was mirrored

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