The ongoing nature of project "the Key"

The work on the ongoing project of “The Key” began in the early nineties of the twentieth century. Though I write daily on the texts that are so close to my heart and head -well, actually the crossroads of the two- from time to time I find myself in need of a sabbatical period of short or longer duration. I travel then or write my music.
The link you clicked concerns a piece not yet written. I hope you will come back at a later moment to find this text available for your consideration. Meanwhile, I hope there are enough texts that you will find worth reading. Writing a commentary to the texts you have already read is another feature you might utilize - highly recommended.

Until later, Manas Na’ala

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The Key, The Books of Heart and Knowing
or how part of eternity was slowed to the speed of light and all on this side of the divide was mirrored

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