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   The chapters of "The Book of Resonance"

Life in the flesh in painful. Don't let your pain be unsung, but sing about your pain.
When you can endure the pain and shape it to your stature, then you have found wisdom.

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I wish you many hours of delighted en enlightened reading, Manas Na'ala

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The Key
The Book of Resonance
about lessons
of life in matter
The master
of them all

or how organized crime became a form of state
In this chapter:
Dominance, the early years | Survival of
the brightest
| The man with the two brains | The criminal is the multitude |
The violation of centomillennia | How organized crime became a form of state: Africa, The Scorpion Kings, Eurasia, Rome, Enlightened leaders | The wheels of Fortuna and Nemesis | The digest
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The Book of Resonance
about lessons of life in matter


The master of them all,
or how organized crime became a form of state

The willful, the misguided and the oblivious MouseOver here


Dominance, the early years

The idea of boss. Where did that come from? Why is it that someone feels standing over someone else or being placed there? Animals can be stronger, faster, bigger, or smarter, but only seem superior in one of these classes. A grizzly bear can grab a moose, because it is stronger. A cheetah can catch a gazelle, because it is faster. An animal that is bigger, seems to be well off anyway compared with edible species and within their own group's advantage. A smart animal, however, seems most likely to have the better chance of all to survive. A chimpanzee puts a stick into a termite nest and licks off the stick full of termites - delicious proteins. He does not see the termites in advance, but he knows they are there and with his cleverness he manufactures the tool he does not have naturally. The human has acquired an arsenal of tools and has developed his cleverness to special heights. With his ingenuity man surpasses the bigger, the faster and the stronger. Evolution has built around the elementary functions of the brain -scent recognition, hearing, vision, the coordination of these- a more intelligent shell to provide for a greater chance of survival. People with this intelligence designed intelligent tools to withstand life on earth. Tools also for the physical survival in the outside world through medical intervention that destroys bacteria and viruses on the inside. People use their ingenuity even further reaching to render their own species harmless - to dominate them. Not entirely innovative, because each animal group has a pecking order. The uniqueness of human domination lies therein that not his size, nor his speed, but rather his intelligence is used for the determination of the pecking order. The human boss is therefore someone who thanks to his intelligence can create the impression that he is faster than a leopard, stronger than a grizzly and larger than an elephant.
The mechanism of outclassing arose from the drive to survive - after all, we live in a world of eating or be eaten. The fear of being slain that covers all species leads to the evolutionary development of becoming stronger, bigger, faster or smarter, an arms race on all fronts. The world in which we are born is not a world whose basic plan is the pursuit of harmony, but competition as a survival strategy. In itself, this observation contains no biased judgement. It is so and it is no different, it is the world we provisionally have to work with. Who tries to answer the question of the why of the absence of harmony quickly gets stuck in a sticky web of judgments and before long creates a religion, a philosophy or a political doctrine. For politics, philosophies and religions are nothing else than value judgments about the origin of man and the path that humans should go towards and in the future. That competition and strife arise about the different ideas, a competition in which each wants to be the strongest and smartest, confirms the unharmonious nature of the world. The different views strive to outclass one another with their respective truths and do not transcend the world seeking harmony. This shows without further reasoning that politics, religions and philosophies cannot contribute even in a minor way to the achievement of an essentially better world. In other words, forget about religion - any religion in whichever form.
The religions that are most prevalent in the world, all originated in a period called Prehistory - the time until broadly 4000 years ago [2000 bce]. This fact infers a thing or two about the mentality, about the mind set of the ancients - again, this is an observation, not a biassed value judgment. Yet, Jesus (r) and Mohammad [Persian miniature]countless name this specific line of thinking abhorrently paternalistic -consider the position of women- or at least outdated and unworkable. The Neolithic way of thinking has experienced two subsequent influences that may be called a modernization. One based on the beliefs of the Prophet Jesus and one based on the ideas of the Prophet Mohammed - or the groups around these people. Both adaptations of the older systems have had much influence in their time and still have great impact. The basic religious principle of judgment and the stipulation of the way to and in the future, however, these sages have not changed - or at least the religions that arose in their name. Islam is truly the last religion, because the rise of this faith coincides with the last time that humanity accepted religion as a guide and manual on how to proceed in life. Beginning with the Buddha Siddhartha Gautama attempts have been made to ease and improve the life of people in a different way than through religious notions. However, from the Buddha through the Enlightenment to existentialism, the most recent major philosophical movement, all philosophies still are a reaction to and therefore derived from the ancient Neolithic religions. In this perspective, even the modern philosophers have brought nothing essentially new and no independent new idea seems to have been evolved. It does not matter whether a philosophy was grounded in a deistic, theistic or atheistic line of thought26), their starting points were always the same and essentially not different from that of the religions - the prescription of a system of thought. Only the type of judgment differed, since they were formulated from a scientific reflection process. Who makes a -brief- study of the ideas from the Enlightenment onwards sees that not so much observations were made and that once more assumptions and judgments were put forth -open or hidden-.
That the principles of every religion and philosophy are the same or similar is evident from the slide rule by which the world is analysed and then ‘recommendations are given’ on how to stand in the world and how to act in it. Underlying the method of the prophets and philosophers lies a template that the religious and secular thinkers invariably put to use, creating unwittingly -one hopes- their own blind spot. While they hoped and strived to work towards a more just society, they nevertheless wielded the paradigm of the overlord. They -the prophets and philosophers- are the clever ones, the exempted since the Neolithic revolution27), who use their position, intentionally or in spite of themselves, to lecture and concentre the others - driving them together in the corral. Behold the mechanism by which intelligence is the means to outclass all other characteristics -size, strength, speed-. Yet, despite that religious and philosophical analysis and 'recommendations' each time were tailored to liberating and emancipating humanity, the conceptual framework -the paradigm- did not allow that man became truly freed - due to the persistent blind spot every person suffers. The religious and the philosophers scrutinized the world and not themselves, or alternatively themselves very strictly to prescribe themselves as a role model for the world. The sages did recognize intelligence as a means of control and domination of existence, but the tendency to domination by intelligence they did not consider applicable to their own thinking - as a rule they saw their own intentions as admirable. Not Moses, Zoroaster, Jesus, and Muhammad nor the Buddha declared, "Just listen carefully to what I have to say, and if you do not agree, invent something else yourself." Voltaire, de Lamettrie, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche and Sartre did not say, "We have thought long and hard about these issues, but it also might sit together totally differently - check it out". Who carefully considers the blind spot of all who are being right, sees a moor fire that has had the opportunity to continue to proliferate. A largely unobserved peat fire of which all have faith that one day the flames will be extinguished, whereas no one conceives any idea about how to respond to the primary source of the smouldering inferno. In effect, those who claim to be right invariably and consequently never are.


Survival of the brightest

Man works as his own adversary by the way he has learned to use his mind, by the way he thinks and then acts. Because man is forced to find a way to survive, he does not know better than that surviving and living are synonymous. Man is conditioned in a particular and peculiar way, while he does not realize that his heart is yearning and burning, though he aches to extinguish the fires of hell. Man longs for love, while he simultaneously has no idea of what love is. People just say anything about love, repeating what others dished out to them, made by other people who do not know either - something they have read in a book perhaps or seen in a movie. Like this the human being is made. He repeats what he has heard from others. Or he protests against what he has heard from others. Thus survives man, by listening or protesting, yet eventually by obeying while the inside is wry - ready to be inflamed. He is dependent on the authority and he must obey, otherwise he will not survive. Many will say that it is not obedience and that they agree with the authority, not only for their survival. Then recognize that the authority serves no interest other than the interest of the authority.
Within the competitive survival strategy, there is only one way to do away with subordination to the authority and that is by becoming an authority yourself. That requires more than a strategy for survival, that requires war. The alpha at the top has to be surpassed, if need be eliminated. Who wants to stand at the top must learn how to smile while he kills, metaphorically and in reality. Who wants to stand at the top must change the rules -a new weapon, a smarter tactic- while not giving the opponent the opportunity to adjust. Think not there is an alternative, because there is none. Even the most meek -the Buddha or Jesus- became leaders in their fields, because their later followers were ready to smile and kill. The clergy adapted the doctrine to the will of the ruler, so that the doctrine could survive and could continue to grow. And the ruler, he became even more powerful, because he owned his subjects not only physically, but through the prelates also spiritually. Protests, alternatives, they never led to change because the authority is an expert in repression, optionally repressive tolerance, and when convenient the authority is the specialist in dispensing death.

The strategy for the corporal survival, turned into the strategy of death. The ruler -any leader- seizes and consolidates his power, by tormenting his opponents. This way of dealing with others turns the ruler into a criminal, because only a sick person will feel the need to pain the other to stay on top. Only a criminal and sick person can see his personal gain as the sole purpose in life. Only a wracked human with hell in his heart will seek to put out his inner fire by pushing away its pain, by throwing it over the fence and burdening another human being. This also shows that the ruler -any ruler- rarely actually has the survival of the group mind. A leader is always a criminal, because he will do anything to acquire leadership and will do everything to stay in that position, and because he needs to eliminate anything that threatens his position. The essential difference between the alpha animal, that protects the group, and the alpha human stems from myth, the myth that the alpha human creates - the image he creates to legitimize his reign. Whether this myth is a religious allegory or a political ideology -the difference is marginal- the art of manipulating through images finds its origins in the power of language, the power over language. The ruler presents the word as life itself, but for whom believes the leader the word is death.


The man with the two brains

The myth is created to appease the autonomous logical part of the brain and to put it to sleep so the involuntary logical part of the brain can be reached from outside. The involuntary logical part of the brain is present in the great apes and in humans, and is a part of the earliest evolutionary step that has lead to the human28). It helps us in a fraction of a second to take deductive decisions of the kind we continuously make -cross the road here or there, do I purchase this or not-. This part of our brains works equally as involuntarily as the blinking of the eyes or breathing. The use of this involuntary logical part of our brains takes relatively little effort and works at high speed. It is a logical working part of our brain, but simultaneously functions based on fixed or ingrained patterns. An example of such an ingrained basic pattern provides insight into the extent of risk a person is willing to take. Someone who is in a winning position after his profit will avoid risky behaviour, while someone who is in a losing position after his loss tends to take more risks29). Another basic pattern of the involuntary logical part of our brain relates to absorbing new information. New information will always be integrated with existing information and when the new information conflicts with the existing information, the new information will be incorporated into the checkbox exceptions or disinformation30). The only person who may not respond entirely in this way is the person for whom all information is new, for example a young or inexperienced person. One is usually not aware of the decisions the involuntary logical part of the brain takes. In fact a person may even think he has taken his decision consciously. However, all kinds of primary decisions are taken in accordance with a strategy created through evolutionary ingrained patterns. In other words, a whole series of -mostly routine- decisions you think you made wilfully, are taken for you by your automatic or involuntary logical brain.
The autonomous logical part of our brain is much slower and it takes more energy to use it than what the rapid involuntary logical brain needs. The autonomous logical part arose later in evolution which is illustrated by the phenomenon that we cannot simultaneously walk and have an elaborate conversation - people then tend to sit down and have a beverage or so. The autonomous logical part of our brain is the part of a person that sets him apart -as far as we know- from all other life in this world. It is the part of the brain evolved to enable a person to look at himself and to make a free standing decision irrespective of ingrained patterns. It is the part of the brain, however, most used to create a strategy for domination. It is the part of the brain that creates myths about the world, about itself, and with which a person may appear to be bigger, faster and stronger than the others. Yet, when a person actually uses the autonomous logical part of his brain to dominate, then that person shows that his autonomous logical part of the brain is either immature or sick - for when that segment does not or cannot communicate satisfactory with the involuntary part, the animal part still prevails. Though the autonomous logical part of the brain is designed to be capable of self-reflection, it initially will follow the pattern of the involuntary part of the brain -in the early stages it knows nothing else-. By upbringing and education a person learns to use the autonomous logical part productively and purposefully in a self reflecting way. The extent to which that process is concluded with success varies widely. Though people seemingly use their autonomous logical brain productively and creatively, the underlying the fear -the urge for self-preservation- of the involuntary segment remains ever present. Absolutely no need exists to suppress the working of the involuntary brain deliberately - it serves an indispensable function. Yet, in every manner the need exists -or ought to exist- to improve the relationship between the autonomous and the involuntary brain - to bring the relationship to a 'higher' level. To become a whole person the least that should occur is awareness of the working of the involuntary brain. The maximum achievable is that a person distances himself from those outside influences that sicken the autonomic logical brain. In short, the outside world penetrates the autonomous brain through the involuntary segment. When you have say over the interaction between the segments of your brains, you have sway over the influence the outside world exercises.
Reality, however, is different. The autonomous logical brain is the most extensively used to rationalize and justify the decisions of the involuntary brain and hardly to question them. Or to sharpen the point somewhat, a newly acquired step in our evolution is subordinated to an older earlier stage. Man switches off his critical ability, his ability to think creatively and his capacity for abstracting and solving thinking, in favour of primary and schematic thinking, thinking in terms of immediate gratification, thinking in black and white - in any case the vast majority does so. Because the involuntary logical brain is faster and using it requires relatively little effort, because the use of the autonomous logical brain requires considerable and conscious effort and the result of its thinking produces not a foregone conclusion, people tend to opt for the well-trodden paths of safety, rather than the risky road where nobody else ventures. The result is that the 'higher' brain develops a sort of mental anorexia nervosa because it starves for lack of impulses, the autonomous logical part of our brain gets sick. When the autonomous logical brain for the most part is shut down from the outside -as is the case with members of for instance religious and political movements- an aversion will even arise for home grown healthy food. Phenomena like indoctrination and brainwashing use the slowness of the autonomous logical brain, while the deprogramming of former cult members expires by stimulating the autonomous logical brain like also an anorexic patient is supported. What makes a person sick is not the involuntary logical part of the brain that infects the autonomous logical brain, but the indolence of the autonomous logical brain starving and sickening itself. The autonomous logical brain becomes lazy and complacent when it is not sufficiently stimulated in the developing years, when it is told that it must obey and honour the conventions. The autonomous brain gets severely damaged by an inadequate upbringing and a school education without challenges. This damaged mental faculty inevitably leads to diseased relationships between people. It is the unsound mind, the criminal, who successfully exploits the other ill and often defenceless people. In the group that uses or abuses others every person sits who needs to dominate and who does not look or knows how to look for harmony to shape the world. Still, for each disease there is healing.

The vast majority of the people who inhabit the usually beautiful earth have no deliberate criminal intentions, even when they have put their autonomous brain on the back burner. These people more likely feel to be lost in life -how did I get here, what am I doing here- than brainsick. They are abused by people with alluring stories and myths and they believe them, because these tales appear to offer a solution to their aimless wandering. The sometimes desperation and most often fear of common folk is consistently abused by the highest in the pecking order. The only way to avoid being maltreated -by whomsoever- is to nourish the autonomous brain with lifelong learning. Reading books can achieve that, but even more than that opening your eyes will, and not necessarily see the same what others see.


The criminal is the multitude

Criminals themselves are mostly not aware they are criminals31), how can they. Their conscious mental functions are starved and operate at no more than the pilot flame, while they are ruled by their involuntary cognitive functions that allow them to think only schematically. They are in pain and do not understand where their pain hails from, which motivates them to hurt others. The higher in the pecking order these criminals settle, the more power they have to propagate their sick mind set, even to impose it - further on some examples. Most criminals do not consider themselves criminal, because they use a simplistic definition of crime. Most criminals think a criminal is a person who does not comply with the law. The law, however, acts only in those cases in which the state is threatened -or the public as part of the state- and situations when the state monopoly on the use of force is -threatened to be- broken. According to the criminal one cannot act criminally and therefore cannot be penalized when an act is not ruled by law. That a financial institution can dupe millions of people -robbing them from their savings or pension- with an act not mentioned in any law is supposedly not criminal, while everyone knows this is so.
Two interlocking equations to elucidate what could be criminal. First, it seems at first glance to be true that a hammer can be no object of criminality. A hammer can be used to help in the creation of a home. A hammer can also be used though to smash someone’s skull. The hammer is not criminal, it is then said, the user is. Subsequently, it seems at first glance to be true that a gun can be no object of criminality. A gun can be used to get the next dish on the table. Just like the hammer a gun can also be used in the killing of a fellow human being. The gun is not criminal, it is then said, the user is. Who sees these two equations next to each other, sees the schematic agreement and in both cases the conclusion seems valid that not the means, but the user is or is not criminal. Upon closer inspection, however, something strange is going on. Who looks more critical, sees that the underlying assumptions do not match. The hammer can be used for various purposes -creative, constructive, destructive-, while the gun is useful for but one purpose, the destructive. Who prevents the schematically thinking involuntary brain from dominating your thinking and instead uses the autonomous brain, sees that the gun can only be used to inflict pain and death - it is a criminal object. The same is true for the state. Can the state play a constructive role? Those who do not meet the requirements of the state are silenced - temporarily or permanently. In circumstances specified by law you have to pay a fine, you can go to jail for any period and in some countries the state may murder you. As with a mafia protection racket the state forces you to cede a large part of the income from your job, while you have to bide if and what you get in return. Those who refuse to pay tax are pinched off and eventually placed outside society - by whichever regime. The state exists to get you into a particular harness, while it presents itself as a gun, as a criminal organization. It is not a hammer, because you do not have a real choice concerning what is done with your funding of the state. Moreover, a phenomenon like health care exists because of the importance of keeping the taxpayer alive, a phenomenon like education just because the state then can collect tax revenue from a more skilled worker. Who critically thinks about priorities in society, again sees criminal organization32). One can experience the healthcare and educational system only as a beneficiary, if one believes the state scheme. Who is old and becomes too expensive, will die. Education primarily will knead a child for his later role and station in society. The state is a murderous gun, yet could grow to be a hammer when the people who turn the dials would not be so deathly ill.
The first criminal a person encounters in life, if not one or both parents, is the teacher at school. The teacher mortifying his pupils mentally and intellectually to ready them for society where independent thinking is not required, but where the boss must just be obeyed. A situation in which the autonomous logical brain is of use only if one strives to become one of the bosses. Awareness then inexorably extinguishes for whom has not or dares not that ambition, while the autonomous faculty grows sicker and sicker. A teacher as he should be, heals or helps to heal. A responsible and responsive teacher is no boss, desires no authority, yet has stature. Stature because of his great knowledge and his empathy with his pupils. This kind of teacher sparsely wins the election of the most popular teacher, because he challenges and teases, insists to make choices and requires self-control -no discipline, that is for the cadaver teacher-, outlining sharply the boundaries when necessary and supporting to scale the fence when a pupil shows he is ready. A teacher who never really gets angry, but who as a good actor can play displeasure outstandingly - a teacher who truly gets angry is not a very good teacher. A teacher who is a human being and shows he is a mentor who helps his young fellows to make the deadening virus ineffective, who is averse to what makes his pupils ill. Those teachers are few, both within the school and beyond. With the teacher all starts, because -though he merely is a passerby- he has lasting influence.
Parents should be the first line of protection against the outside world, but are usually not. They very much would like to be, but usually cannot. They themselves come from an education by parents who did not realize either, supplemented with a round of cadaver teachers. They have fallen asleep or else are beaten into a coma by the bosses, or by their own hand as if it were a preliminary suicide. Parents who inspire their children feeding their autonomous logical brain are as sparse as the inspirational teachers, let alone children meeting inspiring persons in both groups. Chances are greater, much greater, that children have to face the standard model in both groups and risk to be pushed onto eroded trodden paths. Moreover, in children from a certain point onwards the hormones rage. Boys get hair on their chin and girls fuller curves. Although they themselves think so, these are not the features that determine whether a person matures. During the eighteen or twenty years they have lived by then their parents -themselves sick of war, bosses and shortages- have infected them and are they blunted by their teachers -who perform their jobs with so many shortcomings-. Children and young adults almost invariably are nurtured in a setting of sickness and consequently think like a sick person, in any degree, without being aware of it themselves. This disease is already present for so many generations -in fact from the beginning of our time- that no one really knows what being healthy is. No one can tell anymore what the basic traits of being healthy are. Miraculously an in itself gladdening situation, because if there would be one person who were healthy, then all people would have him tell the rest what health is and all people would have to listen to and obey that leader - an unhealthy situation. However, what a person may do to identify the nature of the life-threatening sickness is to determine what aches deep inside and not seek the cause of the pain outside himself, but in himself.
Though you got the seeds of your disease passed on from your surroundings, blaming the people around you for your illness only results in a further diseased relationship with your environment - and in your turn you will infect many. Though the contagion is outside you, the breeding ground on which your illness grows is in you. The hang-ups to which external ill-makers can hitch on, are inside you. Blame not what comes at you for your illness, but seek neither the cure for what came in the outside world. Search there no healer, guru, philosopher, prophet, god or scientist of the world, because you will not find the panacea that heals all your wounds, vaporizes your sins and cleans your soul. Whilst no one in the world can tell you the solution to your problems, the solution to your problems you can tell to yourself. Are you eager to stop making the outside world sick? Start the discovery of the answers in yourself. Make the most of the incredible power of your autonomous mind and your intuition to find what and who you really are - encounter your core, your soul. Accede not the person the outside world tells you are and your involuntarily brain finds safe to accept, but encounter your real self. Two matters you will probably realize quite quickly. The quest for yourself will take your life or certainly most of your lifetime to complete. You will also find that once you have made the -irreversible- choice to start the quest within yourself, new infections from outside will cease quite rapidly.


The violation of centomillennia,
about the dead and the divine

Who invented God? The most obvious time and place to look for that person or persons is among the oldest tribal people in our homeland Africa. Most likely a homo sapiens, for we can make that assumption from our idiosyncrasy as a species, an assumption that does not necessarily applies to other early people - although it cannot be precluded either. In our earliest history because of our increasing intelligence a time came when self-awareness and situational awareness disagreed. Who is able to control and manipulate consciously his environment through his skills, will also arrive at his limits beyond which he is not able to assert his dominance. Beyond that limit lies existential fear, beyond that border is what cannot be grasped, beyond there the natural phenomena had to be interpreted to make them manageable. Man who was aware of his life and his environment was to find an explanation for the death he became aware of. The oldest religions interiorize these two elements, an attempt to understand death in order to make it manageable and an attempt to explain phenomena in nature and thus be able to handle them. God is the God? Our origins lie in Africaresolution devised by humans for a situation where the answer to a question or the solution to a conflict could not be found empirically. Instead, he hypothesized from his state of mind at the time with fear as counsellor - his fear of death, his fear of the unknown. Man is epitomized by his invention of God the Guv.
The fear of death was overcome by denying death and granting the deceased a place with the divine in the realm of the gods where man lives on. For a long, long time the contact with the immortal gods came to pass through the dead - ancestor worship was until the end of the last Ice Age, until the Neolithic revolution, the dominant form of religion of which we know. As with everything man has engaged in, a regeneration does not mean that the old is abandoned immediately. Sometimes by virtue of tradition, sometimes as the result of fear and sometimes out of ignorance, people hold on to the old. Ancestor worship continued to exist in some or another form, from the isolated cultures in the interior of several continents to the superstition of modern man. Ancestor worship, moreover, was one of the most astute early inventions of man, for it solved two existential problems at once. The dead were not dead and through the ancestors the gods could be affected. The phenomenon of God is a product of the human mind by which he solves his fears. The denial of the existence of God, atheism, is also a product of the human mind, because for neither of these sentiments any empirical evidence exists. The supporters of the idea of God see evidence of his existence in the marvels that occur, forgetting that for almost every miracle a rational explanation can be found. Opponents of the idea of God point out the development of science and in particular the laws of physics, conveniently forgetting that physics must have originated somewhere. Not that via a detour the existence of God thus has been demonstrated. Yet, what does exist is the observation that the physical as observed phenomenon happens - reality exists regardless of its presumed origin. A finding which then solves nothing, because the solution to the existential fear is wanted in the wrong place. It tells something about humans though that they look for the solution of their problems outside themselves - spirits, a saviour, God. It shows that man has not yet left the since at least two hundred thousand-year ingrained evolutionary path.
Man inflicts his heels of Achilles onto himself both by relying on his nigh limitless resourcefulness and by seeking the ultimate solution to his problems outside himself. He spends most of his energies to understanding the world, grasping the laws of physics, or else attributing the solutions not yet found to a higher power - whoever or whatever that may be. Man works all his waking moments on the form, the structure of his existence, not its content. Do not misapprehend, for who is not fascinated by the paleogeology of the planet and who is not left speechless by the vast distances and structures discovered by cosmology or by the physics of quantum mechanics. Nevertheless, in any form man still applies the pecking order of the ancient tribe, by which God in this instance is transformed into a scientist - think about the almost divine status of da Vinci or Einstein, all like God regarded as amiable grandfathers. Science indeed is the new religion. Man has sufficient capacity to intelligently break through the pecking order inherited from his animal past and to come to something new, while man as yet uses his intelligent ability to maintain or even enhance that pecking order. Man violates and by that impairs himself already now for several thousands of years. As if this this impediment where original sin that looms over man he can look only in one spot for the solutions to the problems of life, growing an ever more persistent blind spot regarding what can still furthermore be discovered. If man is able to break through -complementing or expanding is perhaps better put- the ground pattern with which he was born, he transforms from ingenious man into harmonious man. He therefore does not have to transform into an old hippie, join a vague New Age movement, or to join a guru somewhere on a hill. He only needs to change his perspective, broaden it, increasing it. Harmonious man, the person who uses heart and brain actively and balanced, is not based on strength, size or speed; he does not think that a healthy body automatically houses a healthy mind. That harmonious man uses intelligence no longer to be or seem bigger, stronger and faster. Simultaneously he is -bigger, stronger and faster-. He uses his power to express himself and not to become boss, for he sees no one as subordinate.

The sooner the fairytale of God the Guv is debunked, the better man will fare. God the Guv emerged in the most ancient depths of prehistory from the denial of death. It is time to come out of denial and embrace life before death to make it meaningful for every person. Man thereto must solve his fears first and not outsource his responsibility in that regard - only then man heals. The denial of God is also a phase - not meaning God the Guv, but the real source. Man is an intelligent being, and he does well to use his intelligence - his autonomous logical intelligence. Yet, as long as he needs to be faster, bigger and stronger than the others, he will run on a strangling leash, the leash of his animal aspects, of his intelligence without empathy and inspiration. As long as man is afraid of the forces outside of him, as long as he is afraid of what he does not understand, as long as he is afraid of what is stirring in himself, for so long he will remain sick and saturated with fear while others lord over him - others who are at least just as debilitated as they want to play the boss.


How organized crime became a form of state
or the spreading of the culture of the pain

Not only the enemy knows of the power of intimidating. The tribe's own leader is well aware of this tactic too - and not just to make the enemy scared. Fear is an effective political tool. Frightened citizens generally obey their leaders. Fearmongering is relatively simple. Everything a leader needs to generate fear is an outsider to whom the blame can be ascribed for all the problems of the tribe. The own tribe obviously is unsullied and the strange outsider of course is the bogeyman. Thus loyalty to the tribe is enforced. Each person naturally identifies with the own tribe and correspondingly with the pecking order therein. Maintaining the pecking order, however, is ultimately to the advantage of the bosses and works usually to the potential disadvantage of anyone who is not a boss. The phenomenon pecking order works in every group: children from kindergarten, in men and women, ethnic groups, nationalities, people of the prosperous north of the world and those in the south. The real power in the world, it is said, is nevertheless in the hands of a small group of super-rich, the bosses of the bosses. How have they become rich and powerful? Where do all these bosses come from? The last connection we have with the animal kingdom was probably Sahelanthropus tchadensis (MouseOver illustration) and his ideas still live in us. Deep inside us we all are a Sahelanthropus and a Homo erectus - the latter was the first human species that a million years ago left Africa and who is both the ancestor of Homo sapiens [in Africa] and of Homo neanderthalensis [in Europe]. At some level in our present-day body and brain the pecking order and the power relations characteristic of these types of early humans still linger. The social class that regards itself as of higher seniority indeed dates to certainly the last ancestor humans and apes had in common. If the nobility claims to be of very ancient origin then that is correct for that reason - they dominate already for millenniums. Being of higher birth the tribal elders and chiefs awarded more resources and riches to themselves, for protecting the tribe they believed they were entitled to it - as can be seen in present tribal communities. The Khoisan33) is the still living tribe genetically the closest to the Homo sapiens who eighty millennia ago left Africa to populate the earth34). The lore and orderly relations of the Khoisan do not differ fundamentally from the baggage man brought on his trip across the world35) - the traditions and hierarchy of seven million years.
The chieftains, or more likely a small group of elders around the leader, formulated the very first theological thesis, the theorem of the dead and the divine. The first ideas came from the respect for nature. The thunderstorm personified had to be a mighty god with a weapon that brought fear and destruction. The person who discovered how fire could be used -the original Prometheus- had to be in direct contact with the gods. The spirits of dangerous predators were worshiped as divine and the fur of a defeated animal was worn by the chief - he had delivered victory to the tribe and adopted the fierce characteristics of the animal. He was then as that predator with which the chieftain commanded even more respect. The ability to control the risks from outside was the aspect that subordinates saw as the advantage of the pecking order - the chieftain and his warriors protected. No one wants to belong to the vanquished and subordination was the tradeoff for safety. A person is either ambitious and wants to make a name for himself, he wants to act and thus dominate, or a person would prefer not to stand out from the herd and thus seek safety. It was in the interest of the chieftain to remain at the top of the pyramid and to keep the rest beneath. An anthology, albeit far from complete, of the most beautiful myths from our common homeland Africa designed to inclose people in a communal tribal feeling and that served to legitimize power. Myths not only designed to create a feeling of us and them, but whereby also independent thinking was seduced inactive -to say the least- by conforming to the beliefs and the pecking order of the group. Incidentally, myths in essence not unlike the films and soaps that are still being broadcasted daily to contemporary man. Stories then and now designed to feed and prolong the indoctrination, newscasts to keep us worried and scared. An anthology at a glance of the history of humanity, showing that the fear for the unknown, the inexplicable, has always been the main motivator for humans. A survey to show that it was fear and submissiveness that created the gods and God and that these characteristics have determined the human vision on the world.

In addition to the world of immanent gods -the direct mystical personifications of the forces of nature- also the myth of genesis was part of the story cycle of the shamans. So the African myth was and still is told that the world was originally inhabited by two men who always kept eachothers company. One day one of the two climbed into a tree and accidentally dropped his ax that cut off the genitals of the other. In that place a bleeding wound appeared and so it remained. In another myth, the woman was created from the body of the man -as in the Semitic religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam- although in Africa she came out of his big toe. However, the balance of power was sometimes in favour of women. In the beginning there were only women in the world, says the story. Obassi Nsi -God- accidentally killed one of the women, and he bent over backwards to compensate for her death. Yet the women found none of God's proposal really enticing. The last thing God could offer from his collection was the male. Which offer women found interesting. So it came to be that to this day the male must work for the female. With the Tutsi in Rwanda, it is the woman who betrays the secret of Imana, the Supreme Being, and therefore with her children were expelled from heaven. In a Hungwe myth from Zimbabwe Morongo seduces her husband to mate with her against the will of God Mwari. Also according to the Bini myth from Nigeria the woman is culpable, which reads: in the beginning, people did not have to work on the land. If they were hungry, they were allowed to cut a piece out of the sky and eat it, but it was not allowed to cut too much. One day a woman gave herself over to gluttony. She cut a huge piece from the sky, but she could not eat all. She tried to give the piece to others -her husband, her neighbours- but everyone had had enough. She had to discard the piece of heaven. Furious with anger the sky rose high above the earth, far beyond the reach of the people. Since then, people have to toil for their daily bread. A very poetic story is the following. In the beginning there was only one man, well, he was not a male nor a female. This androgynous person lived in a beautiful garden and was profoundly happy. God had told this person that one thing was not allowed, because that would interfere with perfect harmony. It was forbidden to walk a full circle around the palm tree which stood in the middle of the garden. The first person tried to think of something else, but every day he was irresistibly drawn to the palm tree. It became an obsession, and one day he could hold out no longer. He began striding around the tree. Back at his starting point the first perfect person fell apart on the soft grass into two halves. One half was male, and the other half was female. Since then men and women long for this forever lost unity in a paradise they sometimes, for a fleeting moment, regain when they are together36). All sometimes splendid stories that were still foremost directed to only one thing, discord. The leader then could dominate more easily - divide and rule.
The leader had to perform to retain his power while his entourage made epic stories about him to place his performance in a special light presenting his might as endorsed by the gods. Thus authority and religion were identical twins from the beginning, two hands washing each other. The status of the leader related directly to what he did for the tribe. Where was no conflict, one was created to underscore the authority of the leader. Any kind of conflict was permitted if the entourage could deliver the supporting story, the proper legitimization. The abduction of women from a neighbouring tribe, or stealing their cattle. Chasing away the other tribe from the water source. The gods had willed it so, for the others had sinned against the gods. The chieftains and shamans remained in power as long as they were strong enough and their justifications convincing enough. The heads and the clergy could call the shots as long as they could grow fear in the minds of others. Fear of what might happen without a leader. Not even that particular leader, but leadership in general. Once this psychological step was made man had crossed a border. The strongest male who could quench disagreement or fuel it if desired, who could lead the hunt and who mated with the largest number of women, these traits the leader and his gang inherited from the animal world. The idea of leadership and its legitimation from the gods is an abstraction reserved to man, a contribution man uniquely made to the world. At all levels in this context man thinks he takes independent logical decisions, both in choosing the role of the subordinate -just keep a low profile and keep your nose clean- as in walking the path striving for the role of superior. Yet, in these dynamics no aspect of autonomous logical thinking is involved, but the mechanism of the rationalization of the ingrained evolutionary path. A choice for the enshrined of ancient times that subsequently makes present man struggle with himself, debouching into the inner conflict and the one and only genuine cause of his fear in life. That this is possible at all not only tells about the world, but provides also essential information about the nature of man. For those who open their eyes this reveals a message on the paradigm of man.
Many know that what can be seen as good or alternatively as evil depends on the perspective one takes. That something can be good, while others may experience the same as evil shows that good and evil do not exist, as the positive and negative that cancel each other out. Good and evil are inventions of the shamans of the tribe who stood by their leader supporting his legitimacy. Instead of the ideas about good and evil the notion of pain -including the fear of pain- can play a more meaningful role. Pain is not subject to any interpretation, it is or it is not. When someone causes pain, the apparent goal is to dominate, to subdue. Every leader must apply pain with intention, not only to his critics, to survive in his leadership. Someone who deliberately pains another is a criminal, is ill. Someone who is satisfied with the role of a subordinate victim of the leader, torments himself, which is also sick and criminal. Then do not turn the other cheek and do not be charitable, because all these principles are already so often raped and abused by the shamans - just do not hurt. Do not try to love one another, because no one knows what love is - just do not hurt. Dominance through pain is one of the main components of the culture we brought from our African homeland. The culture of pain is what man has spread all over the world. A kongsi of leaders and shamans that developed from the level of the tribe, of several tribes, up to the organization behind empires. The culture of domination and pain is the criminal aspect of human interaction that grew into organized crime and became a form of government. A second anthology, more lengthy yet only touching the highlights, this time illuminating the more political aspect. 

When until six thousand years ago the Sahara was green, people lived there. The end of the last ice age caused the monsoon to rain more to the south, changing the northern part of the African continent into the landscape that everyone now knows, the desert. The transformation into a desert lasted hundreds of years and the people in those years gradually were forced back to areas with oases. Eventually the oases could not sustain life either, and the last inhabitants moved away to the coast and to the grand oasis that would not evaporate, the Nile. This meant the beginning of a culture and a kingdom that would last until the beginning of western civilization, well into the Roman era, Egypt. Egypt initially consisted of several small kingdoms, not exceeding clan chieftains areas, whose earliest known kings are known as the Scorpion Kings. These kings were so named because they lived under the protection of the goddess Serket, a goddess depicted as scorpion. The first Scorpion King Ka and the second Scorpion King Selk -early 32nd century bce- were rulers of the southern Upper Egypt. Under these chieftains began the conquests for the unification of Egypt after which they really could regard themselves as kings. In the tomb of Selk small wooden name plates were found with the beginning of the hieroglyphic script and jars with a residue that upon analysis was found to be wine. After Selk came Iry-Hor, succeeded by King Narmer who is considered the first pharaoh of the first dynasty. During his reign the south and the north of Egypt were conclusively united as one country37). Throughout the more than three thousand years thereafter the Egyptian pantheon and the manner in which it was used to unify the culture intrinsically hardly changed - except for the period of Pharaoh Amenhotep IV, better known under the name of Akhenaten (1352-1334 bce)38). He and his spouse Nefertiti created a unique religion -the first monotheism with Aten as God- who much later resurfaced through one of the patriarchs of Judaism, Moses. Nobody though breaks the kongsi between the ruler and the shamans -as did Akhenaten- without paying a high price. No one knows exactly how he has come to an end. Some suspect, violently - he reigned relatively short. During the reign of his son Tutankhaten the kongsi with the priest class and their ancient pantheon was restored and the young pharaoh changed his name to Tutankhamun. The fear the Egyptian shamans and their godlike pharaoh planted in the ordinary Egyptian for three thousand years, was the fear of eternal damnation - exclusion of eternal life for the dead with the divine. Moses also copied this notion of eternal life into Judaism, after which it ended up in Christianity and Islam. The fear was constructed as follows. A person who had lived correctly and according to the rules -of the authorities- after enduring the trial in the afterlife, lived eternally to enjoy his existence in paradise. The trial consisted of the weighing of the heart. The heart was, according to the Egyptians, the seat of the intellect and if the heart weighed heavier than a feather the owner did not pass the trial. Then the monster Ammit -a female demon with a body that was part lion, hippopotamus and crocodile, the three largest man-eating animals known to ancient Egyptians- devoured the heart and the individual in question was not anymore as if he had never existed. A more cunning idea to keep citizens in line does not exist. The old from prehistoric times dating core of immanent nature gods got its place in Egyptian religion, yet in the course of time around it a shell of transcendent mythology was built.
The essence of the Egyptian transcendental myth might be a true story. In the time before the united kingdom in the Nile Delta, Lower Egypt, a righteous and therefore beloved tribe chieftain lived who out of jealousy, as the story goes, was murdered by his brother. The son of the murdered king took revenge on his uncle and became king himself. As many times in history has happened, the honourable high leader was deified after his death and legendary stories were created in his honour39). Once the generation who was actually present had died out, the myths became even more glorifying. Osiris and Isis with child, HorusIn mythology, this king Osiris was made the son of the Earth god, Geb, and the Sky goddess, Nut. He had come down from heaven to earth to be the first pharaoh of Egypt. His wife and sister was named Isis - modelled on the archetype of Ishtar and Asherah and later copied to the image of Jesus's mother, Mary. Seth murdered his brother Osiris and scattered his body parts over Egypt. Isis went looking for the parts, which she could mummify and reunite. After the reunification of the body parts Isis impregnated herself magically and thereafter gave birth to Horus. Fearing Seth though she made a basket of papyrus leaves wherein she laid Horus which she entrusted to the Nile in the hope that someone would find it and would provide for the child. Horus ultimately killed his uncle Seth and became a pharaoh himself. Seth subsequently became the god of the desert and of chaos. Horus became the god who led the dead to the Hall of Two Truths where the weighing of the heart was executed and the judgment of Osiris was pronounced. Anubis, the jackal-headed god of the dead, had his seat next to the scales while Thoth, the god of wisdom, wrote down the outcome of the test for Osiris. If the heart was not heavier than the feather, the dead could proceed through the gates of Yaru to the heavenly afterlife. If the heart was heavier, the scale tipped and the heart fell off so that the monster Ammit could devour it. The Osiris myth had everything to keep the autonomous brain asleep. The legitimation of the ruler by the gods, the by shamans established mystical theorems, and the people's obedience under the penalty of total annihilation. The narratives were expressive and thus composed that an ordinary person could identify with the characters therein, hoping he followed their example properly and was to be rewarded afterwards. Misfortune of course only befell the neighbour and that was his own fault surely, thus preventing the solidarity of the common man. Isis was modelled on the existing mother goddesses of Mesopotamia40) while the motif of the basket was also used earlier -in the legitimization of the Akkâdian king Sargon the Great- and was used again later in yet another myth, the myth of Moses. Apparently the ordeal of the river had a purifying and sanctifying and therefore mythical yield for the infant, a story motif now largely forgotten. Yet, there are still many so-called holy rivers in the world.

Originating from the immanent gods of the African heartland tribes the shamans, the priests of the first great kingdoms created gods at a more abstract level - like Ammit and Anubis in Egypt were supplemented with Osiris, Isis, Horus and Seth. Moreover, a direct line of development exists from the earliest spiritual development in Africa to the Middle East via Pharaoism, Judaism, Christianity to Islam [the year 622 of the common era] - including the connection in the East with Hinduism through Zoroastrianism. All religions were experienced as an innovation by the successive involved people of that time, as an improvement and clarification of a higher order than the previous stage. All stories people got served in temples, churches and mosques have been effective for at least the last five thousand years. These stories can be read as wonderful ancient tales, for indeed they are no less, yet a group of people still take these ancient writings as the literal truth. These are people who live in the same state of mind as the people of thousands of years ago. People who believed to have found the highest truth, and would propagate this - whereby the use of force was no exception41). The callous leader did not necessarily devoutly believe in his own mythology, yet he used the dogmas as a political tool to get or keep the upper hand. Also, not every shaman or prelate will have believed in exaltation and numerous will have abused their high position for personal gain or gratification of very human -actually animal- needs. Of the pious ruler and the devout shaman are also numerous examples - probably many more. Yet, it does matter that much whether one is persecuted by a political beast or a godfearing primate. Compare all people who adhere to a religion and see that without exception they require someone above them to slip off their responsibilities and again need others to look down on, hoping to enhance their feeling of well being. Such is the power of religion, because religion affirms a human being in the irrational desires from ancient times. The herd instinct reigns, the leader reigns and the individual is reigned over or sent into the wilderness, into chaos. Those who have pain within the political-religious system are always rigorously gagged. With a heavy heart many gag themselves -most are unaware of this-, in order not to become the loner who is expelled from the community. This system to create, maintain and monitor unity is a criminal system, for it is based on repression. A system that squeezes the individual within a framework of centrally defined thoughts can only produce unfreedom and as a result will cause only pain. A person may only relieve the consequential pain for himself by appeasing his active and autonomous critical mind, putting it to sleep and march behind the leader. With a stunned and sometimes misted mind the cancerous pain rages on subcutaneously like a smoldering moor fire. Pain that in some -most unpredictable- form may manifest itself explosively to the detriment of the community and its individuals.


Eurasia, the heartland of the most influential tribes is located north of the Caucasus - roughly north of the Black Sea to the shores of the Caspian Sea, the Aral Sea and Lake Balkhash. Here the first horses were tamed, was the wheel invented and the first chariot constructed (click map to enlarge).

When our ancestors left Africa nearly eighty thousand years ago and moved on along the coast of Yemen and the coast east of Bandar Abbās to India, a group split off to the north. Beyond the mountains of the Hindu Kush, they found a virgin landscape, the plains of Eurasia. How large that group was no one knows. With groups that had found the other route to the steppe via the western side of the Black Sea, they form the basis of what is now called the Caucasian variety of humans, characterized by light skin. During the most recent ice age life was not easy on the steppe for these groups, but they were resourceful people. Moreover, without them no foundation would have existed for Zoroastrianism and Hinduism - disseminated in India after the invasion, or perhaps only the migration, of Aryan tribes driven thereto by climate change -progressive desiccation- on the steppes. The tribes of the steppe can also be honoured as the inventors of the wheel, and even more importantly the wheel axle. An invention associated with the domestication of the horse that can also be attributed to the peoples of the steppes. The migration away from the steppe concerned not only the Aryan tribes who left for India. Other groups moved west, to Scandinavia, Western Europe, Greece and Italy. They were the ancestors of the Nordic peoples -Vikings-, Celts, Greeks and Romans. The migration from several tribal areas in Eurasia is not only visible in the dna of their descendants, but also in the family relationship of their languages, the Indo-European languages42).
The tribal structure and the authority relationships within the tribe, and its relationships with other tribes on the steppe, was a kindred copy of what their ancestors as a legacy had brought from Africa. The immanent mythology, the pantheon that is directly derived from the forces of nature, had the same basis as their African ancestors’ and was similar to the early Egyptian gods, albeit that meanings shifted in the course of time. Facial reconstructions based on skulls from Sintashta-Arkaim burialsGods dropped out of the pantheon and others were added because of a different fauna. In particular, the Sintashta-Arkaim and Andronovo cultures have made a indispensable contribution to the later transcendent aspects of Eurasian religion. They too came to the notion of an All-Father, and in some sources the more abstract idea of the Brahman replaced the man in the sky. The most widespread early creation myth of the steppe concerned the twins Manu and Yemo -in Greece we encounter them as Castor and Pollux and in Italy as Remus and Romulus- a not so far cry from the two African men who first walked the Earth, the tale in which one lost his genitals. At the beginning of everything, says the Eurasian myth, the twins Manu and Yemo wandered throughout the universe as they took the decision to create the world. To achieve this Manu sacrificed Yemo. With the help of the gods Heavenly Father Dyaus Pitar [Zeus, Jupiter], the Storm God of War Rudra [Tarhund, Wotan] and the leader of the Maruts [Valkyries] Vayu, Manu created from his sacrifice the wind, the sun, the moon, the sea, the earth, the fire and the human. Manu -his name is directly related to the English word man- was the first human and the first priest, therewith the creator of the ritual of sacrifice that forms the foundation of order in the world.
Of further developments is known that the headmen, tribal elders and chiefs, and kings of the steppes ruled as viceroy and ambassador of the Heavenly Father or the Storm God of War. As lieutenant of God the king had to keep the peace or else to win the war, primarily for the own tribe. On the steppe mingled with the communities that had become sedentary nomadic tribes also still existed. These nomadic groups were less and less successful in their defence against the increasingly sophisticated sedentary communities. Many nomadic groups therefore placed themselves under the protection of a powerful regional leader, and became not his direct subjects, but his clients. The dynamics of clientelism were inherently changeable. Clients could change loyalty, for example because another leader might be more powerful. Frequently clients performed raids -horses, women- for their new patron on their old patron to prove their worthiness as client. Clients were for amongst others this reason never seen as stable and therefore full members of the tribe by the chief under whose protection they stood. By and large, raids on neighbouring tribes were custom, also conducted in the context of the initiation of the young men of the tribe. These young men called themselves then the wolf pack and carried out their attacks under confidentiality and in secrecy, to test their interconnectedness and to ensure solidarity. The wolf pack or Männerbund not seldom continued to exist after the initiation and could develop into a permanent secret society. Originating from the Indo-European traditions, these covert associations became a consuetude phenomenon in the Nordic, Germanic and Latin cultures. The combination of clientelism and secret societies can be found in Greek and Roman society. The king-leader strived to tie his clients and his wolf packs as cleverly as possible to his interests. He could need them to complement his established instruments of power. The contrivance of the closed covert group was also the basis for later organizations as the Thule Gesellschaft, the Illuminati, the Mafia and similar criminal organizations43).
At this moment in time arrived, when the tribes were leaving the steppe on their way to their now already for centuries current residences44), the power- and governance structure had become well established. The Aryans who moved southeast into India had organized themselves into strict castes, the military nobility and the clergy were the leading classes. The groups that went into the west and southwest -Greeks, Latins, Celts- had a power- and governance structure centred around the king and the shamans. Much the same principle in which clientelism and covert pressure groups had a prominent role, though as institutionalized as with the western Indo-Europeans it had never been done before. The leader who led and protected the troop was once a natural principle, yet leadership had transformed by now in a glorious ruling class. Man at this juncture in time arrived at the point that the powers that be saw it as their first task to stay in their privileged position. This was not unique to the Indo-Europeans and their descendants, but very eye-catching in historic perspective. Egyptian pharaohs also benefited from maintaining their power through the sanctioning of the dynasty by the priestly class. Sumerian and Babylonian rulers were no different and the Akkâdian ruler Sargon the Great was even the first imperialist king - he was a conqueror. From the steppe, however, came a type of ruler that stood out from all his ruthless predecessors by his wider range of possibilities for manipulation and oppression. Characterized by a volatile blend of power and religion the Caucasians could create both in the East and the West within several centuries a society in which everything and everyone was unified. The Celts built on the decentralized organization of the steppe. Throughout the Celtic world nodes of regional authority existed that were interconnected by a network of trade routes. In Greece and Latium, however, from the initial local city states something new grew, the unitary state with a strong central authority. 

On top of the traditional power structure inherited from the African time a new layer of executive power was added. Regional rulers overpowered local rulers after which the strongest regional power expanded and brought all other regional powers under its might. The Akkâdians were the first, then the Babylonians, while the Egyptians with varying success also tried to expand their sphere of influence. Mostly the conquests concerned expansion for agriculture, making the neighbours indebted for royal personal gain, or to protect trading routes. None of these incipient kingdoms lasted really long. From the middle of Italy, however, a power arose that tackled the matter in an innovative way. To the present time ancient Rome makes the lasting impression of an empire that in the wake of its conquests spreads a new and superior kind of civilization. Perhaps similar to Hammurabi who in the Levant eighteen hundred years before the Romans introduced his laws for virtually the entire Middle East, or Napoleon Bonaparte who eighteen hundred years after the Romans introduced the Napoleonic Code throughout Europe and by that the legal modernization and unification of Europe. The Romans too brought unifying law and a certain way of life, and enforced within their area their peace, the Pax Romana. Not without critics though. The Roman senator and renowned historian Publius [or Gaius] Cornelius Tacitus (56-117) compared the Roman conquests with spreading the desert, which the emperors -Tiberius, Claudius and Nero- would call peace. In short, Rome united Europe and parts of the Levant and the North Africa by disabling -taking over effectively- the exercise of power of local and regional rulers. Thus Rome became the first centralized power that determined and dominated all areas of life -cultural, legal, military-. That Rome was a deeply religious society, is less known. Ancient Rome was even the almost perfect example of the state where political and religious sense of purpose were virtually indistinguishable. In addition to the profound religious experience of state affairs, more vulgar interests fitted in the patron client relationship - the old families of nobles, the Patricians, were the patrons and they defined the factions of ordinary people, the Plebs, the clients. Although the origins of the modern Mafia are said to have developed later in Sicily, the roots of this crime syndicate are already contained in the way interests in ancient Rome were interdependent and the brutal violence applied by covert, and when it suited overt, cliques and gangs. Groups of Plebeians were not only dependent on their respective Patrician patrons, also the other way around Patrician clans were dependent on Plebs when they were in need of some brute muscle power, for instance to make a particular political position clear or accepted. The Patricians and Plebeians exemplified two distinctive separate worlds that yet were intertwined in a situation of -a certain degree of- mutual dependence, not unlike the ancient patron-client situation of their forebears on the Eurasian steppe.
Archaeology shows that from about 1000 bce Rome was inhabited by the Latins who in a wider area partly stood under the influence of the Etruscans. The hills of RomeIn the very beginning, Rome was not much more than a collection of peasant settlements on seven hills surrounded by the marshy land on the river Tiber. The Romans themselves recounted their origins in the myth of Romulus and Remus. The Vestal Virgin Rhea Silvia -the posited descendant of Aeneas and Ascanius who could escape burning ancient Troy-, conceived of the war god Mars. After Rhea Silvia was killed her children Romulus and Remus were laid in a wicker basket and launched into the river Tiber - they too. They were found and suckled by a she-wolf, the Lupa Capitolina. According to the myth Romulus and Remus founded Rome on 21 April 753 bce. In determining the place where Rome was to be founded -on the Palatine hill, or on the Aventine hill- the gods determined that the Palatine of Romulus had precedence. The foundation could only be achieved, however, after Romulus had slain Remus - after all, the gods had not favoured his hill. The ingredients of this myth echo the Indo-European originating myth of Manu and Yemo. Manu also sacrificed his twin brother to create his world sanctioned by the gods. The story motif of the wolf is importantly present in many Indo-European myths. In reality, in the eighth century bce the Palatine and the Quirinal merged into one city. Around the seven hills a marking -the Pomerium- was made, as the myth goes by Romulus with his plough, within which the land was sacred. The dead were buried only outside the Pomerium and from soldier to general within the line armour and weapons had to be laid down. Within the city limits the Forum was the most prominent and most hallowed ground. The Forum was originally constructed by Numa Pompilius [716-673 bce], the second king of Rome - in the myth Romulus's successor. The Forum was the place where through religious rituals political decisions were confirmed with divine approval. The Augurs -the priests- essentially had in this way the last word in the political process. The Augurs also dedicated the Senate building at the Forum, to ensure that the gods affirmed the decisions taken there by the senators. Right opposite the Senate house on the other side of the Forum was the Regia, originally the home of the king and the centre of secular power. After the period of the kings this house became the centre of religious power and the residence of the Pontifex Maximus - the most high bridge builder between the people and the gods, the high priest with very considerable secular power.
Lucius Tarquinius Priscus [616-578 bce] was the fifth king of Rome. In 616 bce he ordered the build of a sewer system in Rome, including mainly the Cloaca Maxima. Besides all its practical usefulness the build was primarily a religious act, because it meant that the city could stay clean and pure for the gods. Incidentally, the Cloaca Maxima was only overvaulted in the first century bce - so for about five hundred years it was an open sewer. Rome was thus both above ground and below a holy city. Except the Augurs who were indispensable in the affairs of state, there were also Haruspiques, a remnant from the Etruscan culture, who could read destiny and divine judgments from the entrails of sacrificed animals. No sane Roman undertook something new -be it trade or war- without a ruling by the Haruspiques. In effect, the gods governed the rhythm of daily life. That was true for craftsmen, merchants and especially for farmers. Plowing, seeding -including sacrifices to prevent mildew-, harvest and giving thanks for a good harvest, everything was clothed with rituals and sacrifices. Not only the public festivals for the gods were important, but also the private household gods were -present in every Roman's house in an alcove- and they received daily attention. The ubiquitous mark of religion on political- and public affairs, and on everyday life did not change in nature when Rome became a republic. In 509 bce Rome lived through the nadir of a political crisis, and the seventh and last king Lucius Tarquinius Superbus [Tarquinius II the Boastful, 534-509 bce] -the last of three Etruscan kings who ruled Rome- was ousted, while from then onwards the political primacy shifted to the Senate -the Patricians, the nobles of Roman society-.
That Rome had a state system in which the bond between the sacred and the secular was indissoluble, guaranteed no stable state. Towards the beginning of the western calendar Rome found itself entangled in a negative spiral of pessimism, corruption and violence whereby the opponent regularly was persuaded by expletive armed disputation instead through the exchange of rhetoric - factions, gangs rather, of clients were instrumental herein for their patrons. In this setting, a Patrician politician and general became conceivably the most powerful in Rome, Gaius Julius Caesar. He amassed a fortune with his conquests in Gaul -an extraordinary amount Celtic gold- while he ensured that the ordinary Roman stood on his side - although his balding head also was the subject of jokes. As for the other clans of old Patrician nobles, this combination of being wealthy, powerful and popular warranted Caesar's sentence of death, as was not unusual in those days45). This time, however, the Senators did not leave the dirty work to their clientele henchmen, for they wanted to give a clear demonstration of their own republican power. On the Ides of March 44 bce Caesar was stabbed in the senate house by about fifteen of his fellow Senators and thus killed46). Octavian, 63 bce - 14The Senators thought in this way to have saved the Republic, yet the opposite was true. Caesar's grand nephew Octavian as Caesar's adopted son and legal heir eventually seized power. He ultimately became the first emperor under the name of Augustus - Augustus means consecrated by the Augurs. He let build a temple to Julius Caesar at the place where his body was cremated. On January 1, 42 bce, the Senate ratified a decree that declared Julius Caesar to be a god -Caesar had left by chariot to heaven47)-, which of course made Augustus the son of God, Divi Filius48). Augustus gradually drew all the important functions to himself, with as apex in 12 bce when he raised himself to the position of Pontifex Maximus. The focus of the Roman religion and rituals was cautiously shifted from the gods to the supreme commander, the imperator - the emperor. Augustus created thus the imperial cult, a new mythology. The poet Publius Vergilius Maro [Virgil], a close friend of Augustus, stated that Augustus was a godsend who spread peace and civilization throughout the world - with which Tacitus around a hundred years later so eloquently disagreed. At his death the Senate declared Gaius Octavius Thurinus Caesar Augustus also a god.
The ultimate fall of Rome never happened, certainly not as staged in Hollywood films, nor like at the time of the sacking of Rome by Alaric in 410. That the western part of the Roman Empire gradually disintegrated was the result of clientelism taken too far. Rome itself eventually had too few soldiers to manage and control the entire empire. They therefore often chartered local rulers and soldiers - mostly the same ones whom Rome once conquered. Because of cultural assimilation client nations regarded themselves as -more or less- Roman, certainly the top strata, but they had to do often without the status and full civil rights of a Roman. When the Visigoth Alaric sacked Rome this was not to accelerate the fall of Rome, but to enforce the by him requested Roman civil rights and the already to him promised land. Amidst the slowly but surely advancing disintegration of the Empire, a small religious sect was strikingly different. They precisely took no part in the Roman traditions or detached themselves thereof. That they did not conform to the imperial cult caused their persecution, but when the imperial cult became insignificant and obsolete, it meant precisely their survival. Which in turn contributed to the acceptance of Christianity by the Roman Emperor Constantine - his power base was strengthened by their support. When Odoacer, a Germanic vassal, deposed the last Roman emperor in the west, Romulus Augustus, and sent his regalia, including the purple robe, to the Roman emperor in the East in Constantinople, the Western Roman Empire on September 4, 476 de facto ceased to exist - it had existed for more than 1200 years. The disintegration of the Western Roman Empire marked for Europe the beginning of the Middle Ages. The Eastern Roman Empire existed for a further 1000 years. Its conquest by the Turks of Mehmet II in 1453 -Constantinople became Istanbul- marked in contrast the end of the Middle Ages in Europe. Merchants -with nearly all financial assets-, artists and intellectuals fled from Constantinople to the west - Venice, Milan, Rome, Florence. The Renaissance in Europe now could really begin.

Ancient Rome was not merely the often admired innovative society that built an empire from northern England to Egypt and to the east, to Syria and Mesopotamia. Rome was a profoundly religious society that in many ways resembled Iran after their Revolution of 1978 -where the Ayatollahs in detail determined the politics and everyday life- than being the shining example and trailblazers of an advanced way of life the aficionados of the classics choose to see. That takes nothing away from the achievements of Roman culture, much practical and technical -inventors of the concrete-, literature -Plautus, Seneca- and astronomy -Dio Cassius-, yet this take on the religiosity of Roman society places the Empire in a more realistic perspective than superficially informed interested parties are aware of. The cognoscenti of the political 'game' in ancient Rome -and the subsequent Italian city states like Venice, Rome, Milan and Florence- are wise to examine what power and oppression -whether or not religiously tinged- do with a person. For that was what it essentially and initially was all about in the centrally organized empire. The top determined and the mass had to obey. All cultures that came from the steppe built an ever deeper evolved and extended complex power structure, a class society with nobles and priests, craftsmen and merchants and as lowest of the lowest the slaves. As a rule, the classes did not intermingle. A slave in ancient Rome could be released, but was then always only a freed slave. In modern times Mohandas Gandhi attempted in 1950 to breach the caste structure in India and emancipate especially the Dalits, the untouchables - a quarter of the population. In practice his struggle produced little result. Rome ran on slaves - without slaves the machinery of Rome had come to a standstill. In the top stratum from the outset dynasties arose -the Julii, the Junii, the Fabii, the Claudii- whose members thought to have a God-given right to be in society where they were - this attitude is still true in present-day kingdoms and often copied by the captains of industry. Usually through murder and pillage a dynasty could be expelled, only to be replaced by another dynasty. The shamans of various denominations were and are always behind the throne to give their guidance. For the common people, the shamans fabricated the most wonderful myths as a sop or as repression - on pain of eternal damnation. The little man paid his taxes obediently and suffered his life in the sweat of his brow - as ordained among others in the Christian Bible, Genesis 3:19.
The Roman Empire was the last empire that based its legitimacy on the direct approval of the gods. As noted earlier, no characteristic disappears immediately in a wave of modernization. Modernization eventually is always gradual and the old often remains long in existence next to the new, until people experience it really as meaningless or anachronistic - as the Roman emperor cult was eventually abandoned. As in the modern technology-oriented society of today superstitions still exist which are due to the time we lived in tribes in Africa. For example, most people, despite millennia of development, still believe in the existence of good and evil, although they are also aware of the notion of relativity. Along that same line, the process of individualization has not achieved that all bosses were cast aside. On the contrary, individualization became a commercial product, whereby people are separated by appealing to one of their lower and primary functions - greed. Despite that the legitimation of power no longer lies with the gods, in an old tradition in the west still newly appointed chiefs of state or freshly crowned heads, travel to the Pope of Rome for a courtesy visit, though the Investiture Controversy was arbitrated centuries ago. Old customs and traditions continue to exist as a result of the involuntary logical brain function. This brain function stimulates to avoid risks and to leave things as they are, so to create as much as possible a sense of security. The involuntary brain prefers the before time immemorial well-trodden roads. From time to time there are those who based on their autonomous logical brain function preach revolution. However, the revolution always eats its children and then leaves as much as possible as of old - not through a counterrevolution but by reinstating as much as possible. Such is the state of mind of man. The common people, both in maintaining the status quo as in the overthrow of it, are not addressed by the leaders in their autonomous critical capacity, but in their involuntary instincts of self-preservation - all the same people are hardly ever requested to think for themselves, but usually to do what is demanded of them. The newly appointed or crowned head that goes to visit the highest spiritual prelate does this not so much as a courtesy, but rather to broadcast to the people on television and in the papers that everything is safe and that everything will stay as it is. 

Rome was the last European Empire that founded itself on the close-knit relationship between the secular control and the divine approval. An interweaving of interests that made it virtually impossible to distinguish between temporal power and spiritual power. The many kingdoms that emerged from the disintegration of the Roman Empire in the west, indeed sought the approval of their authority with the Pope of Rome. As a father figure and the earthly representative of God, the Pope presided over all monarchs, as if he were the conscience and the moral driving force of all princes and with that of all people. On Christmas Day of the year 800, the pope created Charlemagne emperor and coronated him with the imperial crown. Much of what was lost since the collapse of the Roman central authority and had fallen in a

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The Empire of Charlemagne and the partitioning among his grandsons after the death of Charlemagne’s son Louis I the Pious (click map to enlarge).

dilapidated state or had disappeared, such as the infrastructure or an education system, Charlemagne restored or created anew. Consequently and because of the vast area of his empire -most of Europe- in the eyes of his contemporaries it was justified to regard Charlemagne as the first true successor of the Roman Emperor in the west -the Holy Roman Empire- and even legitimized by the Roman Pontifex Maximus, the Christian Pope Leo III. Moreover, Charlemagne is rightly called the father of modern Europe. The ceremony and function of the coronation was efficacious regarding the people’s perception of authority - as ever with any pomp and circumstance. However, the coronation was also an act with far-reaching political consequences. Not only did the Pope with this coronation recognize the secular authority of the Emperor, but simultaneously the Emperor recognized also the authority of the Pope of Rome. This mutual recognition favoured political stability. Whenever rulers were not in agreement, however, and even became political opponents, it was a recipe for disaster. When the supreme spiritual leader and the highest secular leader factually contested each others supremacy, this yielded a politically very unstable situation. In time the pope and his successors appointed bishops in the empire of Charlemagne's heirs, who not particularly served the interests of the emperors, or even particularly not the emperor's by only serving the interests of the pope. Thus, the Investiture Controversy arose in Europe -a vulgar struggle for hegemony- during which the Emperor and his successors even nominated alternate Popes. On September 23, 1122, the Pope and the Emperor signed the Concordat of Worms, a compromise that had to bring their hostilities to an end. However, after the conflict the power of the Pope waned slowly but irrevocably. One may recall also the English king Henry VIII who in a divorce matter -from Catherine of Aragon, an aunt of the Spanish King Charles V- did not get his way from the Pope, thereupon in 1534 no longer recognized his authority and began his own church. That the Pope then excommunicated Henry at the insistence of Emperor Charles V was hardly of any political consequence. Henry's daughter Elizabeth defeated the Spanish Armada, which settled also the military aspect. Well into the first half of the twentieth century, the Pope lost ever more authority and territory located mainly in Italy, until he only had the building of his church - the Pope was jokingly called the prisoner of the Vatican. A situation that ended only on June 7, 1929 with the Lateran Treaty, by which the Italian dictator Benito Mussolini gave the Pope an area in Rome, Vatican City, and the Pope permanently renounced all his claims to territory in Italy. Not only worldly the Pope lost all meaning, also his spiritual authority diminished when from 1517 onward in the North of Europe the Reformation was building momentum.
From the fifteen hundreds onwards developments in Europe went up a gear. The Turkish conquest of Constantinople already in 1453, until that time the staple port for trade with the East, over time affected the spice trade. The Europeans, the Portuguese, sought and found an alternate route, the eastern sea route around Africa - the Cape of Good Hope. The search for a second way through a western route in 1492 led to the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus. A truly alternative route to the east via the west was discovered in 1522 by Magalhães [Magellan] - around Cape Horn. His second in command El Cano -after Magalhães’s demise in the Philippines- actually sailed as first around the world. Spain and Portugal became immensely wealthy world powers with the spice trade and the Aztec- and Inca gold as foundation. Their plundering of South America and the genocide on the Indians there is at least worth a separate chapter. Still, every power will wane and the Netherlands ousted Spain and Portugal as the major economic power in the world49), with the Dutch United East India Company as first privy owned multinational corporation in the world, with the first ever tradable shares in a company at the first ever stock exchange and 25,000 people on the pay role. However, because it was for the Dutch about economic rather than military-political power, they had to tolerate competition from the thereafter emerging international power, Britain. New Amsterdam became New York, the settlements in India fell to the British and the Netherlands 'limited' itself to Indonesia and several not less lucrative trading settlements - for example, the Netherlands had a trading monopoly with Japan until the mid-nineteenth century. From all these game altering economic developments, social change came. The millennia old kongsi of princes and prelates with the people as servants or slaves was broken, also internationally, by the group of craftsmen and merchants who became wealthier and more prominent than they had ever been. This emerging group felt only partly beholden to the ruling class, secular and sacred, and went in search for the legitimization of their life and status. The thinkers who formulated their ideas on this subject between 1630 and 1789 are among the philosophers of the Enlightenment, a movement that continues to this day to determine politics in a movement called Liberalism. The American Revolution [1776] and the French Revolution [1789] were a power political elaboration of the power struggle from what became called the Third Estate -the merchants and craftsmen-. The Americans declared their independence from the British King George III. The French settled the score in their own fashion with their sovereign -Louis XVI- and a large part of the nobility by literally putting them down under the guillotine - they were decapitated. Through Liberalism, Capitalism, a large proportion of the middle class was very well off, better than ever. The early eighteen hundreds also marked the emergence of a defined working class, the proletariat, which lacked almost everything. In response to Liberalism, the Industrial Revolution and the appalling working and living conditions for large groups of proletarians two philosophers, FriedrichCharles Louis de Secondat, baron de La Brède et de Montesquieu, 1689-1755 Engels and Karl Marx, formulated their theses and theories [1867] that became known as Marxism - the practical application of the Marxist ideas are known as the emancipating ideals of socialism.
The rulers were largely replaced and the canon of the church was no longer really leading. If the Renaissance can be seen as the cultural end of the so called dark Middle Ages, then the Enlightenment was that politically. The time of the despots was over. The dictatorships of absolute rulers like Napoleon, Stalin and Hitler in Europe have experienced only a limited -though not less cruel- time of existence. One of the most decisive philosophical ideas that emerged from the Enlightenment was the idea of the Trias Politica, formulated by the Frenchman Montesquieu [1689-1755]. This idea is for the average European an obvious comprehension and the time that this idea did not exist virtually prehistoric - in essence it was already in use by the Romans. In large areas of the world, however, the idea of the separation of powers is not applied or exists only in name, and is the state corrupt. The Trias Politica prescribes that in a modern state the legislative, the judicial and the executive power are in distinct hands - no joint interests. This constitutional philosophy and the ideological notion of the separation of church and state, attributed to the British Enlightenment philosopher John Locke [1632-1704]50), have been key elements in the emergence and development of the modern state, such as in Europe and the United States of America. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights also had its roots in the Enlightenment and is reflected in the motto of the French Revolution "Liberty, Equality and Fraternity" [1789] and in the American "Bill of Rights" [1791].

In Europe in the eighteenth century the old traditional power relations were, sometimes radically, put overboard. The balance of power as it had existed since the first people in Africa related power and religion in a tribal setting, was broken. Until this time frame accumulated wealth was a consequence of growing powerful, while from then onward it was wealth that accumulated power. It was no longer the chieftain who amassed ever more wealth, but the richest who became chief. It is certain that many Enlightenment philosophers formulated their ideas from their idealism and the desire to improve society in an essential way. One philosophized about the nature of man and how to organize the ideal society - Utopia, the land of man as tabula rasa. In the reality, however, without exception the world functions as an American presidential candidate is said to have snarled at another presidential candidate, "It's the economy, stupid." When in the nine hundreds the Vikings discovered America, this had no lasting consequence. When Columbus did it again51), five hundred years later, as is known the consequences were huge - the economy was ripe for it. When merchants and craftsmen became industrialists and created multinationals, they overtrumped the old power classes. Not because they as a class had a higher moral sense, or unselfishly were committed to support the reprobates of the earth, no, it was simply because they were richer. Today the big multinationals have a larger amount of riches on their balance sheets than many a country. The new power class did not build on religious, not even on Humanist values. The propertied class based themselves on the values of Liberalism or later on rather a caricature of it. The most inhumane and degrading caricature was presented by German National Socialism [1933-1945], in the regime of Adolf Hitler [1889-1945], a form of government supported by powerful German industrialists -Krupp, IG Farben, BASF, Bayer, Bosch, Hoechst-. A more sustainable elaboration of Liberalism, more in line with its original ideals, was expressed in the development of Western democracy. The right to vote was initially restricted to the own Liberal circle and the old powers -census suffrage-, but under the influence of mostly socialist pressure groups within society, -especially the emergent trade unions-, universal suffrage was introduced in most Western countries in the first two decades of the twentieth century - although Swiss women had to wait for it until 1971.
Although giving meaning to a system may be of diverse origin, concrete power formation in any age is always about wealth and its concentrated form, money. How those in power associate with those who do not possess any power, typifies a society. Large groups in China have amassed stupendous wealth, but the working people were and are still treated as semi or full slaves. In Europe contrastingly one sees that for example the average Frenchman lives a life as a prince when compared with his ancestors in the period of the Roman Empire. The magic word that seems to have changed society is democracy, or the ideology of the power of ordinary people. No real power, but a virtual power very different from the ancient Greek direct democracy  - where the spin doctors of modern democratic power assert to base on. Still, the real power remains in the hands of the economically most interested parties, industrialists and banks. The heads of state and the prelates are relics of the past -carefully clung onto- who still play their role to complete the stage play - the puppet show with hollow dolls. The play staged at the opening of the parliamentary year and the presentation of the financial plans for the coming year - almost every country has a comparable ritual. The real power remains immovably in the hands of the owners of the money, the common people should work hard to grow that pile and are bribed with a tolerable standard of living and the mirage of democracy. At least while all goes well. In difficult economic times, ordinary people have to tighten their belts, because cuts need to be made. In old people's homes the elderly then receive less care and for days sit in a dirty diaper, in hospitals questions are asked which patient is to be treated and which costs too much, and when you are unemployed and have a benefit the amount will be cut and shortened in time while previously you have paid the full premium. Everything is downgraded until social unrest arises counterproductive for the big money owners - the same who were once the proprietors of large country estates. Then the government will borrow again to bring things to calm and the country is even more indebted to the proprietors of the large finance estate.
The shortest route to becoming boss is by accumulating money and therefore power. If that fails, the choice is between a bourgeois existence with all its privileges -as long as it does not cost too much-, or stepping outside society, because it is so depraved. Stepping outside society seems a bold and even courageous step, but on closer inspection it is an act of self-gratification, because it changes the bigger picture in no fundamental way at all. Moreover, a person can never really step out unless one turns the gun on Thatcher and Reaganoneself - and even that is an act of self-gratification. Democracy replaced the legitimation by the prelates, of God. Politicians, as the commissioners of the real rulers derive their legitimacy now from the will of the people, just as God an equally mysterious and elusive notion. The will of the people is an amorphous concept and politicians can do with it whatever they want. It gives them the rationale for unpleasant measures - you have chosen it yourself. Politicians manipulate the will of the people with cunning campaigns and stunning statistics until they have kneaded the will of the people into what they want. That while they indeed will be never more than the commissioners of real power. Who is and has the real power will never be truly known, for that is the power they have, but if you do not know them you are certainly not one of them. The so far most recent ultimate move that led to the checkmate of the people was made by the British Prime Minister Margaret Hilda Thatcher [1925-2013] and the American President Ronald Wilson Reagan [1911-2004]. They dusted a just not outdated ideology and provided it with a new label, Neoliberalism, and put it in the window as a new commodity. Throughout Europe and then in the rest of the world, including China, the latest beatific ideology of Neoliberalism spread as if it were the second coming of the Messiah or the return of Viracocha. Every bourgeois swallowed Neoliberalism, because the selling-off of state enterprises would absolutely lead to lower taxes. Checkmate. The common man was locked back in his cage and the unions were broken. Back to how it has always been. However, history shows that the game never ends. At some point the chessboard is setup again, because in the struggle that seeks power and wealth the wheels of Fortuna and Nemesis will never stop spinning.

Capitalists and conservatives may say this all sounds very liberal or even socialist. Socialists may say this all sounds very anarchistic. Anarchists may say this all sounds too bourgeois and not radical enough. And to the religious this all may sound heretical. All these followers of a particular system of thought, however, live in the past and label hindered by the blinkers of unidirectional hindsight. They live with their backs to the future. Yet, this is not a outcry against anything. It is a call to reboot your system without the dragging burden of obsolete notions. A call to for the first time perhaps using your autonomous brain and then mellow the outcome with your heart.


The wheels of Fortuna and Nemesis

You now have seen vistas along meandering roads with much traffic joining in from the bystreets and are about to arrive via the Boulevard of Overview at the Square of the Final Determination. You have seen nowhere near what else is still to be seen, yet nothing prevents you from taking on that exploration yourself. Explore reality and virtuality -for instance in books- or both and investigate your own person. Is this is the world in which I came, you may wonder. The answer is yes, for you have landed in a scary world inhabited by troubled minds. Then again, here nor elsewhere the acts are mentioned of most of the 107.5 billion people who have lived on earth in the past 160,000 years52) who did something kind for their loved ones or their neighbours. An act of compassion, an act of warmth, an act of consolation from people who together have celebrated because of a wedding or the championship of their club, or perhaps because of winning a lottery. The ordinary people who have to work too hard every day for too little reward. You know why these people are not discussed here, for they have not determined the course of history. On the contrary, they have themselves be led by the people with power. They believed the sops and soaps about the dead and the divine of the chieftains and the shamans, the rulers and the prelates, the lords temporal and the lords spiritual. Therefore, history is about murder, pillage and not about your friend's kindness. You are continuously bombarded, brainwashed and kept in fear by the daily news with the latest about disasters and revolutions, wars and attacks. Today people no longer listen to the prelates, but instead to the soaps and sob stories, advertising and to dreamy gurus - there is not much difference between them all, because they have the same effect. Because people have been influenced -in the ancient and the modern form- they have often fallen in the deepest misery, misery that could have been avoided, hardships that did not need to occur. Indeed, every form of misery begins with fear. Fear because of your own presumed inability and the feared greater power of the other. Taking away the fear is not easy, because the fear is not only in you, but also in the feared ability of the other. The remedy to accumulate more power than the other is no solution to your fear, because the acquisition of wealth and power will only increase the fear - the fear of losing power. The conclusion then can be no other than that the world is populated by frightened people, sick people - whether you are powerful or powerless.
The world we all inhabit is a world to get afraid of, for that is the nature of the world. Still, the only way a person knows how to respond to this disturbing world is the way of the animal. The initially dominating involuntary part of the brain only allows us to respond from instinct, self-preservation - hiding in the group while accepting the pecking order of that group. The autonomous intelligent part of our brain we have not yet learned to use otherwise than in connection with the patterns and principles of the involuntary brain - we still use power to drown out our fears. That while the potential of the autonomous brain to think originally and creatively is next to everything. The autonomous brain is self-governing, it is tenacious and it does not need to recognize the authority of any other. In addition, the autonomous part of our brain cannot work negatively when it is not used to merely rationalize domination, when it is not in the service of the old order of brain parts. The autonomous part of the brain can be used particularly meaningful when we first focus its astonishing power and strength inwardly, when we first educate ourselves before we meet the world. In other words, the enlightened and rational people of Luciwher will have to learn how to use their intelligence truly, before it can discover love. Any other consecution than first learning inwardly and then outwardly is pointless, because the autonomous part of us then remains in the grip of fear and in the service of its rationalizations - in the grip we have on each other and not in the last place the hold the world has on us all. Parenting children has varied widely over the centuries. Most often there was no method and a child had to help as soon as possible for the family to survive - in underdeveloped and poor countries this is still the case. The more enlightened a society is, the more space a child is granted. In the second half of the twentieth century, young people crawled from under the thumb where the older generation kept them put. In particular, the hippie movement suggested an alternative with its own philosophy, its own music, their own clothes. Nevertheless, within a decade the bosses had encapsulated the renewal movement and was it exploited. Especially the fashion- and music industry turned around the principles and for decades now determines in detail what a youngster eats, drinks, looks like, listens to, thinks and believes. Once more, when a person does not first use the strength and power of the autonomous brain and the autonomous self is not used to educate oneself, that person will not determine what happens in his lifetime, but the world will. Drugs are generally prohibited but are also generally widely available, while binge drinking in the eyes of many young people is a sign of independence and status within the group - within the pecking order. Within some groups in society gaining a diploma is the sign of the nerd and therefore of a looser, while high status is determined by the degree of animal behaviour and crime potential. None of these internal rules of the wolf pack are new, because they applied in the jungle, on the steppes and in Rome, from where all roads lead. The basic thought of education -or the lack thereof- is universal and the conclusion can only be that parenting makes no sense at all, when a youngster is not made attentive of the importance of the creative and critical autonomous part of the personality. First make the journey inward to grow and transform, to become the fully grown butterfly -or eagle, anything is possible- to open up and go out into the world. The world is a lot less scary and threatening -if at all- when man becomes a lot less scary. However puny humans may seem, the universe is different when man is different - literally and to the letter.
Of course, a youngster needs to discover yet everything and no youngster should see his chances taken away to discover all there is independently - that is exactly the point. When an elder imposes the truths he has discovered himself to a young person, he commits a character assassination - he then not only lulls the youngsters’ autonomous brain, he then slaps it into an often irreversible coma. Until the age of puberty an adult of course should provide the child with as much certainty as possible, but that does not infer indoctrination - those who do commit character assassination. As of the age of puberty everything already turns insecure for the youngster and all securities of the past become like quicksand. The many crevices and potholes that arise inevitably in the world of an adolescent should never be filled with the apparent certainties of the elder, for -once more- this would constitute character assassination. The many questions of an adolescent can only be answered with the aid from the elder -when asked- who supports the adolescent in finding the answer himself. Some answers will be found quite quickly, others take a whole life before insight is born. Every human being walks his own path. The 'trick' of course is to tell on a need to know basis, at the most to pose an indicative question, and furthermore to listen to as much as possible. This applies to the child, the adolescent and not to a lesser extent for the adult. In a society in which mostly people are bleated to, listening is a rare and therefore striking expertise. Listening and engaging in conversation with each other without any underlying or hidden agenda, that is an art. To communicate without the aim to influence and ultimately to gather power is almost science. The integrity of body and mind is raped every day hundreds of times when a person is pressed to do this and to disregard that. You need to buy this, you cannot violate the law, you have to like this song, you cannot play with the boy next door. You must vote at the elections, because the system must endure. Failure to vote makes you an enemy of democracy, of the state. All these checks and regulations are aimed to subdue the individual and to keep him subjected to the powers. Dependent on commerce, the government, and the prelates or what in many parts of the world is left of it. The young people who rebel do so because they -their questions- are not taken seriously. And when the big wave of hormones has subsided they too must recognize they have to provide for their dearest for the rest of life. The crime then already is committed, the person succumbs and is subjected from then on and for the rest of his natural life to those placed above him.

All the above data are controllable, all arguments can be checked for validity, all accidentally covert opinions may be filtered out, yet are then all the facts presented sufficient to come to the conclusion that there is a master of us all who holds us in his grasp, a power that determines all our lives? That power exists is evident, because the evidence for the existence of power is abundantly present in everyone's life. In addition, the absence of the phenomenon of power would have yielded a completely different world. Power therefore exists, including its excesses, corruption and repression. Apparently there is a power in the universe, the world and in man that allows self-preservation even at the expense of the other. It is not a law or principle that applies only on earth or just for humans, it is a principle with which the entire universe is pervaded. To make the element iron a star at the expense of lighter elements will need to transform all its matter until the star explodes and spreads its produce. In this universe on all levels the one exists at the expense of the other. It has been argued here and elsewhere in this book, a force is present in the universe that strives to create order from chaos. There is a mechanism in the universe and in man that compels to planning and order. If a harmonious God exists then the master of this universe is the Anti-God, for everything in this universe can only grow at the expense of the other. Is this Anti-God then for instance the evil Demiurge of the Gnostics? This book ascertains that good and evil are unworkable notions, because they contain ideas that depend on perspective and thus are relative, and because this dichotomy consequently divides the world -meaninglessly- into proponents and opponents. This book proposes not an Anti-God or an evil Demiurg, but personifies Luciwher as the master of everything and everyone, the master of them all, while he embodies a regularity of a different order than the laws of nature. Yet, there is no uniformity in the universe, for there is a difference between the tools and the wielder of the tools - between the hammer and its user. The laws of nature are immutable, so long as the universe exists, while Luciwher's law of order and organization is subject to entropy - this natural law of entropy states that everything ultimately will fall apart into its constituent parts. As dark matter exerts a gravitational force that holds together all matter, yet will ultimately lose out to dark energy that will tear apart the universe. Just as the human body from conception is an organism under construction that ultimately will have to succumb to anility, to entropy. The overwhelming conclusion therefore imposes itself that between conception and death, in any case with regard to man, matter has been given the opportunity to review its own performance and evaluate. The thesis herein is that man has had his autonomous intelligent brain evolved to examine and to evaluate his actions -from fear, his power and the exercise of power-. More precisely, from an ethical point of view man needs to learn not to cause pain to others from his actions and seek to live in harmony. No proof than from the incongruous nature of the universe exists at all that this ethical value must be the ultimate purpose of man in the universe.

The evolution of the brains started with the development of the sensory areas, the perception. The oldest memories that a person has, are often linked to the oldest area, the olfactory sense. Then those parts were linked to motoric functions, movement, and then the coordination of perception and movement developed. Who smells fire will like to run away. On top of this section the limbic system was built. That part of the brains is involved in emotion and pleasure, reward and punishment, fear and aggression, emotional decision making, emotive learning and the emotive memory, as well as processes controlled by hormones, such as the regulation of blood pressure, heart rate, hunger, thirst, sexual arousal and the sleep-wake cycle. The rational functions are not only evolutionarily developed much more recently, also in the development of every person it grows late into the development, in puberty. The neocortex houses the abilities including reasoning, planning, imagining and logical thinking, and is directly connected with the limbic system. This is the involuntary logical brain that tries to bring order to the chaos of information that flows to a person. It divides the world roughly into opportunities and threats, based on experience -evolution-, from crossing the street with the green light, to eating no unripe fruit, avoiding an unknown snake, to asking for a raise when a colleague is long-term sick and counting your blessings when your plan succeeded. This is the level at which most people function most of the time, because the most recent evolutionary development of the brains, the autonomous logical brain, has dozed off or is put to sleep, or even beaten into a stupor or into a coma - psychologically or physically. Those who become the bosses, may use the autonomous logical brain productively although they can keep it awake in only one way. They use their autonomous logical brain to bring all levels of brain functions in line, so that no internal conflict will occur. That is why these bosses usually feel superior and behave accordingly, whether they are a chieftain, the author of a groundbreaking theory, or the ceo of a bank or a multinational. They feel they have achieved a personal success and worry not too much about all the others whom they made into an employee, a follower or the enslaved to their company's mission statement - theories and myths. They are the produce and the continuation of the way of the world and only at the end of the day they wonder whatever they have achieved. Their money is worth nothing anymore on their deathbeds, their stories are debunked and replaced with new stories, their whether or not scientific theories are superseded and their companies merged with even larger ones. Those who do not focus exclusively the autonomous logical brain outwards to the world, but inwardly and walk the inner path, think critically about the way of the world and the nature of being human, maybe even the why of the world and humanity. This person does not put all his encephalic abilities in line. This person does not try to homogenize all brain levels to prevent -or obscure- the internal conflicts, this person keeps everything to the light to solve internal conflicts. To be able to do this a person needs no guru or any other leader, for he can give direction to his inner suffering himself. And see, that man heals and is no longer afraid and sick - he tries to live in harmony.

What a wonderful creature is man. So much desire and so many opportunities to realize his want, if he only knew what he needs. So much intelligence, wherein the entire universe fits, and the talent to outstep the limitations of the universe. One cannot do other than feel for such a being.


The digest

Some readers wondered where this essay was really about. Essentially, I answered, it is about the material and non spiritual explanation of what is all around us. Suppose God -or the Creator, or the FirstOne- does exist, then all that goes about in the universe is made palpable not through some elaborate supernatural trick, but through the workings of the natural laws -why else should they exist-. Or seen from the other end, the fact that all exists is apodictic proof of the existence of a creating force - the Creator, the FirstOne. That is not to say that I am a creationist, far from it, but more about that elsewhere in these books - I am not any ist nor subscribe to any ism. Scientists discover the tools and components of the laws of physics in increasing detail, yet they never will unveil the underlying cause of them. Why our world is concrete and eternity not in concrete eyes is in depth the subject of all these books. A series of five providing in five different ways an entrance to the subject of how to overcome the Luciwher Paradigm. In the above I have given my thesis concerning a physical explanation [i.e. not the psychological or mythical explanation] for the workings of the Luciwher Paradigm - the mind-set of the human causing his inclination to think and act as he does. Whether I live in a castle of my own making barring myself from reality or fortify humanity is for the reader's insight to acknowledge. I know the answer of course, but would not presume to convey it - thus not getting in the way of the reader, I hope. The comfort I do offer concerns the knowing that all answers -of any kind- are found when one does not listen to the fairytales -of any kind- of others, or at least not hold them for gospel at face value, and instead dives into oneself. So, I aim to debunk the nonsense you are bombarded with since the day you were born -your upbringing, school, religion, the primate of science-. However, the debunking is particularly not targeted at the content of what people convey to each other -wonderful stories, myths and theories-, but at the power they try to exert through conveying them -influencing, subduing and enslaving-. Man's susceptibility to the dispensing of power is an aspect of the Luciwher Paradigm.
Buddha's heavenThe place where no one plagues anyone with power and terror, where nobody is sick of want for eternal peace and love, surely must be heaven - or paradise, or whichever name you want to ascribe. Our present world is not that place and it does not look like it will be here ever. Yet, the presence of the yearning for love and peace is indicative for the fact we came from somewhere else - we ineluctably cannot be native to this universe. Our bodies are, but our soul -where the origin of our yearning resides- is not. The body in which we can feel trapped is built in a certain way reflecting the need for organization and control. From engineering cells into a body to forming a community. From keeping coordinated control of our bodily functions to centrally controlling people in the society. As far as we know people are the only ones who purposefully paint art, compose music, write books and think up science, all due to the way our brain uniquely and universe altering is built. On top of the sections all animals posses, the primates anyway, the human species is endowed with an autonomous logical brain. It connects with all early functions of the brain, but it is also quite capable of thinking detached from the animal parts, though that takes much effort and energy. The autonomous logical brain essentially is free and cannot be controlled from the outside. Yet, an attempt may successfully be made to control or manipulate the autonomous brain from outside through the 'lower' stage by pelting it knock out or by any way of lulling it asleep. An attempt that may be helped by the fact that all brain processes except the autonomous process take comparably low levels of effort and energy. Contrariwise, it takes a lot of energy and effort to think autonomously and critically, and warding off the attacks on your mind.
Rulers use anything to lull the autonomous brain into a prolonged stupor. The most ancient form of course is violence, then came religion and shortly thereafter political doctrine. The most recent development is science, for scientists act for us by proxy and we just have to believe they act in the best interest of us all. This essay nor this book are a plea to abolish the achievements of the human - that would throw us back to the Stone Age. Yet, they are a call to build on in a new way. They aim to be an incentive to think for yourself, to use your autonomous logical brain incessantly. To think and feel for yourself and not let you be told what to think and to feel. These books are not a call to anarchy, downing the old. It is a call to discontinue the old by curing yourself, for whether you are powerful or downtrodden, you are sick. The cure is not out there, but in you. Leave the animal behind and truly become human.

Notice: please, do try this at home.

These books contain in various forms the analysis of the working of the Luciwher Paradigm and suggest a way of living with it. The one who cannot be enticed with bread and circuses and who does not fall asleep has overcome -not beaten- the Luciwher Paradigm.



! 4. The isolated Mandarin

6. And the herd was pushed around "

The Key, Book 4, The Book of Resonance, lessons of life in matter - Part 3 - The master of them all

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