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Text on the back cover of The Key

Manas Na'alaWould you believe that honouring the god of your religion is nothing less than a camouflaged worshipping of the Satan? Would you be open and be convinced this is so or would you investigate in your own way this is so? Whether you are a Jew, a Christian, a Muslim, a Hindu or the adherent of any other religion or philosophy, you are celebrating a conviction not closer to the truth than of those who worshipped Jupiter or Zeus, Amon or Marduk, Viracocha or Awonawilona, the spirits of the shaman. Each religion expresses itself in a system of morals and legislation meant to unite all people, yet in effect dividing the multitude into devotees and infidels, the latter to be converted or destroyed.
Whether now only implicitly present in a religion or expressed vehemently, this way of religious manifestation can only be called primitive in the same way it would be found primitive to express the world is flat or like it would be viewed as primitive to allege that the sun revolves around the earth. Man has come far in respect to technological expertise since our ancestors left the trees, yet in the spiritual aspect no advancement has been achieved in any respect - the conversion to monotheism has not altered, but only concealed this grisly primitivism.
Congruous to the technological revolutions of the era of the human race an urgent need for a spiritual revolution is felt throughout the world. To bring all to balance religious thinking needs to be freed from the religions and even more urgently spiritual thinking must be set free from religious leaders. When people discovered the world is round and that not the sun revolves around the earth, but earth around the sun, it caused a revolution. A revolution in thinking, in art and science, in the total of human existence and acting on all levels on this earth. The same will happen on the spiritual level when people discover that the answer to the basic question cannot be learned from anyone outside but only from within and that there is no guidance obtainable than the guidance you can hear only when you turn off the noise. The noise of those who instruct you, those who crave your allegiance and submission to better themselves, those who are therefore the true mouthpieces of the Satan.
To depose of leaders, by just not listening anymore, seems a difficult and dangerous step to make for one will feel utterly alone, at first. Yet, there are no wrong decisions you can make once you have chosen for an independency from the constant bombardment with indoctrinations. The deafening silence will be as the pitch dark before the sun rises. Then, expect the best for on the bottom of yourself the answer awaits you.

The poet said about The Key, "This book is like a black hole. Light cannot escape from it and a cubic inch of it weighs a gigaton. It feels like that and it reads like that. Yet it also is like the gateway to another universe: the Original World." This likening is not that far fetched.

What has importance is not the reading of this book, but stepping through the mirror it presents, seeing beyond the texts. Yet, seeing beyond these texts is the mere first step in understanding the world for what it is.