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Text on the inner sleeves of The Key

This is "The Key". It is the universal key and it is your personal key. When you wield it you will find it is the key to your heart, to your soul and to your own soul only! Beyond that it is the key to all that prevails in this world. Apply it to your Tenach. Apply it to your Bible. Apply it to your Qur'an. Apply it to your Gita. Or to any other screed proclaimed holy. Apply it to your favourite work on philosophy, to any other book of learning, or to any other book of science.

With "The Key" you will discover 'the truth' in each of these manuscripts, but you will also unveil the forgeries applied in these works by the Satan, the Devil, Lucifer, by what people on earth use to call the evil. This is "The Key". Only you can take it into your hands. Only you can turn it in its lock. Only you can set yourself free from the shackles with which you still advisedly or inadvertently are bound.

When you read the following, it will mean the end of your religion. It will lessen increasingly your need for guiding by an earthbound superior -rabbi, priest or mullah, maharishi, yogi or guru- and it will encourage you in searching for the pith of your being yourself.
It does not matter whether you relate to a form of Hinduism, whether you are a Buddhist or a Jain. Addressed here also are the heirs to Abraham; whether you are a Jew following the Tenach, a Christian following Jesus of the New Testament, or a Muslim following the prophet Mohammed of the Qur'an. Nothing hereafter is meant to move you towards abandoning the essence of what you now 'only believe'.
It does not matter whether you are a so-called atheist, maybe an adherent of Nietzsche's works, or an existentialist in the tradition of Sartre. Or whether you just think now you are and later you will not. You are not pushed to accept something that even remotely resembles the old traditions of religion. You are not forced to accept anything.
It does not matter whether you are a member of one of the many cults that have arisen in these latter days, while this earth rushes towards the end of this era. It does not matter whether you worship Satan, Lucifer, the Devil or "the 'fallen' one" by any other name. It does not matter whether you call yourself a member of one of these groups or of a group yet not mentioned here.
All that really matters now is to pause, to halt pace, to take time out and to use one year to study the texts of "The Key". For the key is now offered to you, free. You will find it will open many things, not only yourself to yourself, but also a new era to mankind.

So look for "The Key" and copy it to your hard disk or print it to study it on moments, in periods in which your present life feels empty, when you experience that something in your life is missing. Try to look behind the texts in those moments when you feel something is coming, but you do not know what it is exactly.
Discover that there are no commandments, no orders from the boss. Discover that essentially the dichotomy of good and evil does not exist. Discover that the road towards universal Love is open to everyone, whatever anyone's personal history has been. Cross your bridge and examine "The Key".

Manas Na'ala, The Key, the books of heart and knowing
or how part of eternity was slowed to the speed of light and all on this side of the divide was mirrored

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