about lessons of life in matter

Part 1, The launch

Chapter 1
Introduction - The circle begins, or the compassion for the prisoners: Outset, The decoupling - The fratricide - The prisoner freed

Part 2, The adventure of pursuit

Chapter 1
The Great Satan, or the worldwide domination of the newest religion: The pot and the kettle - The echo of the dead - Welcome to the machinations - Common sense - Education and erudition - Postscripts

Chapter 2
God's Own, or the leaden burden of vengeance: The chosen people - The Eternal Jew - With long strides

Chapter 3
The Isolated Mandarin, or the slave without a soul: The foundation of collectivism - The brick in the wall - How Luciwher nearly defeated K'ung

Part 3, Patient yet not passive

Chapter 1
The Master of them All, or how organized crime became a form of government: Dominance, the early years - Survival of the brightest- The man with the two brains - The criminal is the multitude - The violation of centomillennia - How organized crime became a form of state - The wheels of Fortuna and Nemesis - The digest

Chapter 2
And the herd was pushed around, or the adventures of Homo Existimans: The kiss of death - The seduction of the Smith family - The revolution that was not - Rehab - The evolution that is - Of six of one or half a dozen of the other

Part 4, The mooring

Chapter 1
Epilogue - How the walls are broken down, or the liberation from the prison of your own head: Looking through the glass - Pride and pestilence - For when peace breaks out


Appendix 1: The short Story - The good and the evil, an illusion of the powers that be. Appendix 2: The Key to the Castle - The light made ​​its appearance into this universe.

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Entrance page of the books of "The Key"

Entrance page of "The Lucifer Paradigm"

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