how souls in the material world evolve

Part 1, Letters

Chapter 1
Paris, Rue de Miromesnil - First letter: About beauty - Second letter: The inner contact

Chapter 2
Gazing across the Scottish Highlands - First letter: Theme for Life - Second letter: The Opening of the Heart - Third letter: The One of Beauty

Chapter 3
The Joint Letters - First letter: The echo - Second letter: The origins of the concept of Na'ala - Third letter: American believe - Fourth letter: Love, Light, and WarmBeauty - Fifth letter: Of castes and reincarnation - Sixth letter: Power and paradigm - Seventh letter: Some questions about the why - Eighth letter: The answers to your questions - Ninth letter: The brief Na'ala - Tenth letter: The unreason of the Light - Eleventh letter: The proportionality of WarmBeauty - Twelfth letter: Unnatural behaviour - Thirteenth letter: Loveless - Thirteenth letter: Suspension of disbelieve

Part 2, Conversations

Chapter 1
Discourses by the Hearthstone - First conversation: Making acquaintance - Second conversation: Conservation of information - Third conversation: There is no religion in heaven - Fourth conversation: The Luciwher Paradigm - Fifth conversation: The disuse of the Why - Sixth conversation: The natural necessity of the why

Chapter 2
The Warmth of People nearby - First conversation: Gienah, Alchiba and Algorab - Second conversation: Bulzeba - Third conversation: The Evenings of Satan and Science - Fourth conversation: The Evenings of Satan and Religion - Fifth conversation: The Evenings of Satan and Art - Sixth conversation: Jehavanna - Seventh conversation: The Time machine - Eighth conversation: The mirror that is fogged

Chapter 3
Welcome guests after dusk - First conversation: Hostages of Power - Second conversation: The wages of fear - Third conversation: About Love

Chapter 4
The strangeness of the world - First citation: The death penalty - Second citation: Stupid people - Third citation: Materialistic thinking


Appendix 1: The short Story - The good and the evil, an illusion of the powers that be. Appendix 2: The Key to the Castle - The light made ​​its appearance into this universe.

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Entrance page of "The Lucifer Paradigm"

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